The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) provides financial incentives for the installation of new qualifying technologies that are installed to meet all or a portion of the electric energy needs of a facility.
The purpose of the SGIP is to contribute to Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission reductions, demand reductions and reduced customer electricity purchases, resulting in the electric system reliability through improved transmission and distribution system utilization; as well as market transformation for distributed energy resource (DER) technologies.
Please view the Program Metrics page for incentive fund availability in each service territory and budget category.
For questions, please reach out to the SGIP Program Administrator (PA) in your territory.
2024-08-15 | Self-Generation Incentive Program 2024 3rd Quarter Workshop - SAVE THE DATE The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholders to attend and participate in the SGIP 2024 3rd Quarter Workshop on Friday, September 20, 2024, from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm (DST) The SGIP PAs will provide updates and discuss various topics (Program Metrics, Regulatory Updates including AB 209 Updates and demonstration of the application process, etc.). This will be a virtual meeting held online via Microsoft Teams. The final agenda and call-in details will be posted on and sent to the R.20-05-012 service list prior to the Workshop. To ensure a robust agenda with relevant topics, the SGIP PAs would like to hear from stakeholders regarding additional topics to be considered for the agenda. Please send any topic requests to The SGIP PAs look forward to you joining the SGIP 2024 3rd Quarter Workshop. Please note, while the presentation slides will be posted after the workshop, the workshop itself will not be recorded. Thank You, SGIP PAs |
2024-08-12 | Notice to Applicants and Host Customers in Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) territory: On July 1, 2024, the California Public Utilities Commission denied CSE’s Motion to Require San Diego Gas & Electric Company to Fully Fund the Self-Generation Incentive Program in its Service Territory. As a result, effective August 13, 2024, active budget categories for the CSE SGIP Territory will be updated to reflect San Diego Gas & Electric ratepayer collections. Applications previously submitted to a waitlist will be funded in the order they were received, subject to the available funding in their respective budget category. Please note, at this time our teams are working to remove the notification banner at the top of the application page notifying program participants that applications will be placed on a waitlist. |
2024-07-02 | The Large-Scale Storage Step 5 budget for the SoCalGas territory became fully subscribed on June 28, 2024. The waitlist for the Large-Scale Storage Step 5 is now open. Large-Scale Storage applications will be placed on the waitlist in the order received. Waitlisted applications will be funded as attrition occurs. Please email if you have questions about this announcement. |
2024-06-26 | The Equity Resiliency (ER) budget for the SoCalGas territory became fully subscribed on June 20, 2024. The waitlist for the ER budget is now open. ER applications will be placed on the waitlist in the order received. Waitlisted applications will be funded as attrition occurs. Please email SelfGeneration@Socalgas.comif you have questions about this announcement. |
2024-06-04 | On June 4, 2024, the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators filed a joint Tier 1 Advice Letter implementing certain programmatic changes to the SGIP pursuant to CPUC Decision 24-03-071 and effective upon the date of filing. To allow adequate time for program participants to become familiar with these new programmatic changes, all open SGIP Budgets will be paused and no new applications will be accepted until Wednesday, June 19, 2024. Applications received on or before June 4, 2024, are not subject to the new rules. The following programmatic changes are effective as of June 4, 2024: · Requirement that general market SGIP applicants with solar paired with installing storage, where an existing PV system exists, are enrolled in the Net-Billing Tariff (NBT) (Ordering Paragraph (OP) 27) and all eligible electrification TOU rates adopted in the NBT Decision are deemed to be SGIP-approved rates for customers on an NBT rate (OP 22); · Requirement that SGIP applicants installing storage systems enroll in a qualified Demand Response (DR) Program (OP 21); · Allows the PAs authority to remove the General Market Small Residential Storage Budget Soft Target (OP 31); · Modifies metering requirements for SGIP residential storage such that, for incentivized versus non-incentivized on-site storage systems, separate metering is no longer required (OP 31); · Provides that unanimous SGIP Working Group approval is no longer required for application extensions (OP 31); · Provides that deed restrictions are no longer required for single-family homes and expands other categorical eligibility (OPs 14, 15, 16, 17); · Directs an Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) attestation be included in the SGIP application and requires supporting information from customers under some circumstances (OP 28); and · Establishes an annual deadline for data submission by developers or manufacturers and requires for the applicant to provide the part number and/or serial number associated with the incentivized system (OP 33). The database will be updated and applications may be submitted once the pause period has concluded on June 19, 2024. Please direct any questions to your respective SGIP PA. |
2024-06-04 | The Equity Resiliency (ER) budget for the SoCalGas territory became fully subscribed on May 22, 2024. The waitlist for the ER budget is now open. ER applications will be placed on the waitlist in the order received. Waitlisted applications will be funded as attrition occurs. Please email SelfGeneration@Socalgas.comif you have questions about this announcement. |
2024-05-09 | Self-Generation Incentive Program 2024 2nd Quarter Workshop The Self-Generation Incentive Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholders to attend and participate in the 2nd Quarter 2024 Workshop on the following date and time: Friday, May 17, 2024, from 9:00am – 1:00pm (PDT) Agenda: • Program Metrics • Regulatory Updates • Upfront Payment Proposal for AB 209 Workshop (This forum will also include a public workshop and serve to provide details and receive feedback on the PAs’ proposal for providing 50 percent of the upfront incentive payments to SGIP projects in the Residential Solar and Storage Equity budget, pursuant to CPUC Decision 24-03-071.) Meeting Details: This will be a virtual meeting held online via Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams Meeting link: Join the meeting now (*3ameeting_NWY1MjkzNDMtODhjNS00MDRlLWEzOTktNDJmNzE1NGY1ODU1*40thread.v2/0?context=*7b*22Tid*22*3a*225b2a8fee-4c95-4bdc-8aae-196f8aacb1b6*22*2c*22Oid*22*3a*225a2f6b3c-7084-4532-9f94-fedbdbc84065*22*7d__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUl!!FPmBsh4YZ_RhLneAcPkcnpFqxg!SWcH1bZkQZ6zHD4XtMHm7aba_qknjn5QvyvLfTQ4Dw0HWynTab9o5ryodnIM4j2LlIZcuGWGrcm7WFaN1IHj9zf82Hgl6mj-9cY%24) Or Dial-in by phone +1 213-297-0156,,668690774# United States, Los Angeles Find a local number Phone conference ID: 668 690 774# Thank you, SGIP Program Administrators |
2024-04-30 | SAVE THE DATE - Self-Generation Incentive Program 2024 2nd Quarter Workshop The Self-Generation Incentive Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholders to attend and participate in the 2024 2nd Quarter Workshop on the following date and time: Friday, May 17, 2024, from 9:00am – 1:00pm (PDT) The SGIP PAs will provide updates and discuss various topics (Program Metrics, Regulatory updates, etc.). This forum will also include a public workshop to provide details, and receive feedback, of the PAs proposal to provide 50 percent of incentive payments upfront to SGIP projects in the Residential Solar and Storage Equity budget, pursuant to D.24-03-071. This will be a virtual meeting held online via Microsoft Teams. Agenda and meeting link and info will be provided at a later date. Please reach out to your PA if you have any questions. Thank you, SGIP Program Administrators |
2024-03-18 | The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholders to attend and participate in the SGIP 2024 1st Quarterly Public Workshop. Date and time: Friday, March 29, 2023 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada) Location: The meeting will be hybrid, held online and in-person at the CPUC Courtyard Room at 505 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco, CA 94102. Agenda and Objective: The agenda includes SGIP Program Metrics, Regulatory Updates, Measurement and Evaluation Updates, and AB 209. The objective of this workshop is for the SGIP PAs to engage quarterly with stakeholders, provide updates on program developments, and gather feedback. Webinar Details: Join link: Webinar number: 2485 810 6575 Webinar password: SGIP (7447 from phones and video systems) Join by phone 1-855-282-6330 United States Toll Free +1-415-655-0002 United States Toll Access code: 248 581 06575 |
2024-02-28 | Self-Generation Incentive Program 2024 1st Quarter Workshop - SAVE THE DATE The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholders to attend and participate in the 1st Quarter 2024 Workshop on Friday, March 29, 2024, from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm (PST). The SGIP PAs will provide updates and discuss various topics (Program Metrics, Regulatory Updates, etc.). The final agenda and call-in details will be provided on and sent to the R.20-05-012 service list prior to the Workshop. To ensure a robust agenda with relevant topics, the SGIP PAs would like to hear from stakeholders regarding additional topics to be considered for the agenda. Please send any topic requests to The SGIP PAs look forward to you joining the 2024 1st Quarter Workshop. Please note, the presentation slides will be posted after the workshop. |
2024-02-16 | The SGIP Online Database Support Team has been made aware of a potential phishing email asking SGIP participants to update their personal information within 24 hours. These emails are NOT generated from the SGIP database or by any SGIP-related party and appear to be potentially malicious or phishing emails. If you receive these or other similarly suspicious emails, please do not click on any links, do not provide personal information, do mark the email as spam and/or delete the email, and otherwise follow the cybersecurity policies you or your organization may have relating to the treatment of malicious or phishing emails. |
2024-02-02 | The 2023 SGIP Application Review Time Report has been posted to the SGIP application database website at This annual public report is made available to the service list pursuant to Decision 20-01-021, Ordering Paragraph 32 (c) and (d). The report provides data on the average, fastest, and slowest incentive application (Reservation Request Form (RRF), Proof of Project Milestone (PPM), and Incentive Claim Form (ICF)) processing for all technology budget categories within each PA territory. You can access this report under “Reports” at Thank you, SGIP Program Administrators |
2023-12-08 | Self-Generation Incentive Program 2023 4th Quarter Workshop The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholders to attend and participate in the 4th Quarter 2023 Workshop on Friday, December 15, 2023, from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm (PST). Agenda: • Program Metrics • Regulatory Updates • Residential Storage Soft Target Cap • Inspection Sampling Protocol - Equipment Model Definition • Measurement &Evaluation - Data Collection Challenges • General Q&A Microsoft Teams Meeting information for attendance to the 4th Quarter 2023 Virtual Workshop: Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting: Meeting ID: 234 832 679 946 Passcode: RYZPxo Or call in (audio only) +1 619-519-7882,956695272# United States, San Diego Phone Conference ID: 956 695 272# |
2023-11-15 | Self-Generation Incentive Program 2023 4th Quarter Workshop - SAVE THE DATE The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholders to attend and participate in the 4th Quarter 2023 Workshop on Friday, December 15, 2023, from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm (PST). The SGIP PAs will provide updates and discuss various topics (Program Metrics, Regulatory Updates, etc.). The final agenda and call-in details will be provided on and sent to the R.20-05-012 service list prior to the Workshop. To ensure a robust agenda with relevant topics, the SGIP PAs would like to hear from stakeholders regarding additional topics to be considered for the agenda. Please send any topic requests to The SGIP PAs look forward to you joining the 2023 4th Quarter Workshop. Please note, the presentation slides will be posted after the workshop. |
2023-11-13 | The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators (PAs) note that the link to the map found in the SGIP Handbook V3, Table 3.2.1B, used for verifying census tracts with presumed resale restrictions is incorrect. Please use the following link when verifying presumed resale restriction. The link will be corrected in a future SGIP Handbook update. Please reach out to your PA for any questions. |
2023-11-03 | Effective November 1, 2023: SoCalGas will accept SGIP-generated forms executed with DropBox Sign digital signature. As a reminder, all digital signature documents uploaded must also include the audit report (this report is generated after forms are successfully signed by parties). Forms that will be accepted with e-signatures are the Reservation Request Form (RRF), Proof of Project Milestone (PPM), and Incentive Claim Form (ICF) and all signature-required “Program Provided Application Documents and Forms” listed on the SGIP Resources page at Allowed e-signature platforms for SoCalGas are as follows: • OneSpan • Adobe Sign • DocuSign • DropBox Sign Any additional questions, please contact the Program Administrator for SoCalGas at |
2023-11-01 | Notice to Applicants and Host Customers in Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) territory: Pursuant to the California Public Utilities Commission’s October 31, 2023 Ruling, effective November 1, 2023, any application received in CSE’s SGIP territory shall be placed on a waitlist pending resolution of CSE’s Motion filed October 9, 2023. Admittance to the waitlist does not guarantee funding is or will become available for the applied-for incentive. |
2023-10-19 | The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrator's (PAs) new online tool, the SGIP E-Handbook, is now available. In an effort to improve the search capabilities of the SGIP Handbook, the interactive online version of the SGIP Handbook expands look-up options and offers tools to ease navigation. The SGIP E-Handbook Includes: • Hyperlinks, filters, and a tool to search by keyword or phrase. • An application process requirements tool to determine if sites are in a Tier 2 or Tier 3 High Fire Threat District (HFTD) . • An application process requirements tool to show current incentive steps. • An application process requirements tool to provide handbook sections for selected budget categories and/or technologies. The online E-Handbook is available at Thank you, The SGIP Program Administrators |
2023-09-22 | The SGIP Handbook has been streamlined to improve use and navigability. The streamlined version of the 2023 SGIP Handbook (Version 3) is now available to be downloaded at: Effective August 1, 2023, the 2023 SGIP Handbook V3 contains the revisions as stated in the Joint Advice Letter; Proposed Revisions to the Self-Generation Incentive Program Handbook submitted by the PAs (CSE Advice No. 142-E-A / SCE Advice No. 5009-E-A / SoCalGas Advice Letter No. 6130-A / PG&E Advice No. 4741-G/6915-E-A) pursuant the September 14, 2023 Disposition Letter approving proposed revisions to the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Handbook to improve navigability. The SGIP PAs are also working to release an electronic version of the SGIP Handbook to further improve access and navigation. A URL to the electronic version of the 2023 SGIP Handbook V3 is coming soon and will be made available via SelfgenCA once finalized. Please reach out to your PA if you have any questions. |
2023-09-11 | Self-Generation Incentive Program 2023 3rd Quarter Workshop The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholders to attend and participate in the 3rd Quarter 2023 Workshop on Friday, September 22, 2023, from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm (DST). Agenda: • Program Metrics • Regulatory Updates • Electronic Load Documentation Requirements • Exceptions and Program Modifications • SGIP Handbook Streamlining and Online Tool • 2nd Quarter Workshop Wrap-up • General Q&A Microsoft Teams Meeting information for attendance to the 3rd Quarter 2023 Virtual Workshop: Microsoft Teams Meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting: Meeting ID: 241 671 690 745 Passcode: yZEVGp Or call in (audio only) +1 858-284-1506,224088077# United States, San Diego Phone Conference ID: 224 088 077# |
2023-09-07 | SGIP Legislative and Regulatory Background Resource Document A new standalone resource document, SGIP Legislative and Regulatory Background, is now available on the Resources page under the “Handbook” dropdown. This document lists all the legislative bills and CPUC decisions that have informed SGIP since its inception in 2001 to present day and is continuously updated to reflect new program changes implemented. This information was previously housed in a table within the SGIP Handbook, but to provide a more robust resource with active links to referenced material, it will now be available as a standalone document. The SGIP PAs will incorporate a link to this new resource document once the approved streamlined and electronic Handbooks are approved. |
2023-08-30 | The 2023 SGIP Handbook V2 is now available to be downloaded at: [] Effective June 28, 2023, the 2023 SGIP Handbook V2 contains the revisions as stated in the Joint Advise Letter; Proposed Revisions to the Self-Generation Incentive Program Handbook submitted by the PAs (SoCalGas Advice Letter No. 6154-G / PG&E Advice No. 4769-G/6974-E / SCE Advice No. 5059-E / CSE Advice No. 143-E) pursuant to in CPUC Decision 23-04-045, Ordering Paragraph 9.The Decision directed the PAs to grant relief to the customers affected by the Petersen Dean Inc.‘s bankruptcy; and establish a pathway to provide similar relief to other customers who unexpectedly lost contact with their developer. Please reach out to your PA if you have any questions. Thank you, SGIP Program Administrators |
2023-08-14 | Self-Generation Incentive Program 2023 3rd Quarter Workshop - SAVE THE DATE The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholders to attend and participate in the 3rd Quarter 2023 Workshop on Friday, September 22, 2023, from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm (DST). The SGIP PAs will provide updates and discuss various topics (Program Metrics, Regulatory Updates, etc.). The final agenda and call-in details will be provided on and sent to the R.20-05-012 service list prior to the Workshop. To ensure a robust agenda with relevant topics, the SGIP PAs would like to hear from stakeholders regarding additional topics to be considered for the agenda. Please send any topic requests to The SGIP PAs look forward to you joining the 2023 3rd Quarter Workshop. Please note, while the presentation slides will be posted after the workshop, the workshop itself will not be recorded. Thank you, SGIP PAs |
2023-07-28 | The SolarEdge SEXX000H-US inverters have undergone a hardware change which lifted the battery power limit of 5 kW-DC. This hardware change is denoted by an update to the inverter's part number. The older SolarEdge inverters, with the 5 kW-DC battery power limit, have the following part number: SEXX00H- USXXBBCXX and the newer SolarEdge inverters have the following part number: SEXX00H-USXXBBLXX. The main difference is the older inverters have BBC in the part number whereas the newer inverters have BBL. The SGIP Public Equipment List will be revised with these updates, so it is important for Applicants to verify the SolarEdge inverter’s part number when selecting their system from the dropdown menu to ensure the correct system model and ratings are auto-populated in the SGIP portal. The SolarEdge hardware version [BBC/BBL] will also need to be clarified in the ‘System Description’ section of the Preliminary Monitoring Plan (PMP). |
2023-07-20 | Effective July 18, 2023, the Step 6 Small Residential Storage Budget for the SoCalGas territory became fully funded. The opening date for the Step 7 Small Residential Storage Budget in the SoCalGas territory will be Tuesday, August 1, 2023. A few reminders for SoCalGas customers applying for the Step 7 Small Residential Storage Budget: • Applicants may begin drafting Reservation Request Forms (RRF) at this time and submit applications once Step 7 opens on Tuesday, August 1, 2023. • Projects may receive reservations up to 12 months after receiving authorization to operate in parallel with the grid from the electric utility (or from Interconnection Date). See section 4.2.2 of the SGIP Handbook for more details. • Before submission, please ensure that the RRFs have the most up to date project information and coincide with the Step 7 Small Residential Storage Incentive Rate. To check the status of available funding and current incentive rates, visit []. |
2023-06-21 | The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholder to attend and participate in the 2nd Quarter Public Workshop. Date and time: Wednesday, June 28, 2023 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada) The meeting will be hybrid, held online and in person at the CPUC Courtyard Room at 505 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco, CA 94102. Online meeting link via Webex: Webinar number: 2483 274 7570 Webinar password: PrSxKwJJ849 (77795955 from phones and video systems) Join by phone 1-855-282-6330 United States Toll Free +1-415-655-0002 United States Toll Access code: 248 327 47570 Agenda Program Metrics Regulatory Updates M&E Update SGIP Handbook Streamlining Update on AB209 The SGIP PAs look forward to you joining the 2nd Quarter 2023 Workshop Thank you, SGIP PAs |
2023-05-26 | SAVE THE DATE - Self-Generation Incentive Program 2023 2nd Quarter Workshop The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholders to attend and participate in the 2nd Quarter Workshop on the following date and time: Wednesday, June 28, 2023, from 9:00am – 12:00pm (PST) The meeting will be held online and possibly in person at the CPUC. Meeting online link and info will be provided at a later date. The SGIP PAs and/or Energy Division will provide updates and discuss various topics (Program Metrics, SGIP Handbook Streamlining, Regulatory Updates, Updates on AB209 Implementation, etc.). Final agenda will be posted later. To ensure a robust agenda with relevant topics, the SGIP PAs would like to hear from stakeholders regarding additional discussion topics to be considered for the agenda. Please send any such requests to . The SGIP PAs look forward to you joining the 2nd Quarter 2023 Workshop. Thank you, SGIP PAs |
2023-03-23 | Self-Generation Incentive Program 2023 1st Quarter Workshop The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholders to attend and participate in the 1st Quarter 2023 Workshop on Friday, March 24, 2023, from 9:00am – 2:00pm (PDT). Agenda: • Welcome and Introductions (PG&E) 9:05 – 9:10 • Program Metrics (PG&E) 9:10 – 9:20 • Regulatory Updates (SCE) 9:20 – 9:30 • SGIP Handbook Streamlining (CSE) 9:30 – 9:45 • General Q&A 9:45 – 10:15 • Break 10:15 – 10:30 • Measurement & Evaluation (Verdant) 10:30 – 11:00 • AB209 Discussion (CPUC) 11:00 – 11:30 • Lunch 11:30 – 12:00 • AB209 Discussion Cont. (CPUC) 12:00 – 12:30 • Q&A 12:30 – 1:00 Please note that both the CPUC and Verdant will be in-person. Also, free lunch will be provided for those who attend in-person. Please see below for in-person and virtual meeting details. Where: San Ramon Valley Conference Center - 3301 Crow Canyon Rd, San Ramon, CA 94583. Microsoft Teams Meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting: Meeting ID: 245 770 517 617 Passcode: oWywat Or call in (audio only) +1 415-906-0873,,675878153# United States, San Francisco Phone Conference ID: 675 878 153# |
2023-03-13 | Self-Generation Incentive Program 2023 1st Quarter Workshop The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholders to attend and participate in the 1st Quarter 2023 Workshop on Friday, March 24, 2023, from 9:00am – 2:00pm (PDT). Agenda: • Program Metrics • Regulatory Updates • SGIP Handbook Streamlining • CPUC Energy Division Discussion Regarding AB209 SGIP Funding Please see below for in-person and virtual meeting details. Where: San Ramon Valley Conference Center - 3301 Crow Canyon Rd, San Ramon, CA 94583. Microsoft Teams Meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting: Meeting ID: 245 770 517 617 Passcode: oWywat Or call in (audio only) +1 415-906-0873,,675878153# United States, San Francisco Phone Conference ID: 675 878 153# |
2023-03-13 | Self-Generation Incentive Program 2023 1st Quarter Workshop The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholders to attend and participate in the 1st Quarter 2023 Workshop on Friday, March 24, 2023, from 9:00am – 2:00pm (PDT). Agenda: • Program Metrics • Regulatory Updates • SGIP Handbook Streamlining • CPUC Energy Division Discussion Regarding AB209 SGIP Funding Please see below for in-person and virtual meeting details. Where: San Ramon Valley Conference Center - 3301 Crow Canyon Rd, San Ramon, CA 94583. Microsoft Teams Meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting: Meeting ID: 245 770 517 617 Passcode: oWywat Or call in (audio only) +1 415-906-0873,,675878153# United States, San Francisco Phone Conference ID: 675 878 153# |
2023-03-10 | The 2023 SGIP Handbook V1 is now available to be downloaded at: Effective March 6, 2023, the 2023 SGIP Handbook V1 contain revisions to the SGIP Handbook as stated in the Joint AL issued by the PAs (SoCalGas Advice Letter No. 6105-G/PG&E Advice No. 4722-G/6873-E/SCE Advice No. 4980-E/CSE Advice No. 140-E) to update the SGIP Handbook and implement the revisions adopted in CPUC Decision 23-02-004, Ordering Paragraph 3. Please reach out to your PA if you have any questions. Thank you, SGIP Program Administrators |
2023-03-10 | Effective immediately: SoCalGas will accept SGIP-generated forms executed with DocuSign digital signature. As a reminder, all digital signature documents uploaded must also include the audit report (this report is generated after forms are successfully signed by parties). Forms that will be accepted with e-signatures are the Reservation Request Form (RRF), Proof of Project Milestone (PPM), and Incentive Claim Form (ICF) and all signature-required “Program Provided Application Documents and Forms” listed on the SGIP Resources page at Allowed e-signature platforms for SoCalGas are as follows: • OneSpan • Adobe Sign • DocuSign Any additional questions, please contact the Program Administrator for SoCalGas at |
2023-03-01 | Self-Generation Incentive Program 2023 1st Quarter Workshop and AB209 Discussion – SAVE THE DATE The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholders to attend and participate in the 1st Quarter Workshop and AB209 Discussion Friday, March 24, 2023, from 9:00am – 2:00pm (PST). The meeting will be held in-person and online. In-person details are below, while the link to the online presentation will be available at a later date. Where: San Ramon Valley Conference Center - 3301 Crow Canyon Rd, San Ramon, CA 94583. The SGIP PAs will provide updates and discuss various topics (Program Metrics, SGIP Handbook Streamlining, Regulatory Updates, etc.). Final agenda and call-in details will be provided on and sent to the R.20-05-012 service list prior to the Workshop. Energy Division staff will lead a session on AB209, which approved $900 million in legislatively appropriated state General Funds for solar and storage incentives through SGIP for residential customers. To ensure a robust agenda with relevant topics, the SGIP PAs would like to hear from stakeholders regarding additional discussion topics to be considered for the agenda. Please send any such requests to The SGIP PAs look forward to you joining the 1st Quarter 2023 Workshop and AB209 discussion. Please note that while the presentation slides will be posted after the workshop, the workshop itself will not be recorded. Thank You, SGIP PAs |
2023-02-07 | The 2022 SGIP Handbook V5 is now available to be downloaded at: Effective August 31, 2022, the 2022 SGIP Handbook V5 contains revisions to the SGIP Handbook as stated in the Joint AL issued by the PAs (SoCalGas Advice Letter No.6029-G/PG&E Advice No. 4648-G/6691-E/SCE Advice No. 4857-E/CSE Advice No. 137-E) to clarify eligibility of steam turbine and pressure reduction turbine technologies and reinstate capacity limits for generation projects. Please reach out to your PA if you have any questions. Thank you, SGIP Programs Administrators |
2023-02-06 | New 2022 Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Application Review Time Report The 2022 SGIP Application Review Time Report has been posted to the SGIP application database website at This annual public report is made available to the service list pursuant to Decision 20-01-021, Ordering Paragraph 32 (c) and (d). The report provides data on the average, fastest, and slowest incentive application (Reservation Request Form (RRF)) processing for all technology budget categories within in each PA territory. You can access this report under “Reports” at |
2023-01-09 | On January 9, 2023, the following documents, for new and existing SGIP applications, will be optional in PG&E's territory. • Building Permit • Final Monitoring Schematic. The documents will still be needed for the following conditions: Building Permit • When PG&E is not the electric utility Final Monitoring Schematic • When PG&E is not the electric utility • When the host customer sector is not Residential or Single-Family. |
2022-12-22 | UPDATE: Public Equipment List Updated to Reflect LG Chem Battery Derating and Renaming Effective December 22, 2022: LG Chem batteries paired with SolarEdge inverters are being de-rated and renamed as LG Energy Solutions. Applications that claimed these models prior to December 22, 2022, will maintain the original ratings and incentives that came with the model at the time the equipment was selected. These applications will still have access to this equipment in the equipment list drop down. Applications in RRF submitted after December 22, 2022, will not have access to select the LG Chem batteries in the equipment list dropdown, and must select the LG Energy Solution batteries. These applications will qualify for the updated ratings and incentives that result from this change. |
2022-10-28 | On October 15, 2022, the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) closed the Step 6 budget for the following territory and budget category: Southern California Edison (SCE) Energy Storage General Market Budget Small Residential Energy Storage On Monday, November 28, 2022, SCE will open Step 7 of their General Market Small Residential Energy Storage budget category. Applicants may begin creating reservation requests at any time. These applications may then be submitted once the Step 7 Small Residential Energy Storage budget opens. |
2022-10-25 | Self-Generation Incentive Program 2022 Combined 3rd & 4th Quarter Workshop The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholders to attend and participate in the combined 3rd & 4th Quarter 2022 Workshop on Tuesday, November 1, 2022, from 9:00am – 12:00pm (PDT). Agenda: • Program Metrics • Regulatory Updates • SGIP Handbook Streamlining • Open-forum discussion regarding Low-Income Program Accessibility. For this discussion, please be prepared to discuss any barriers of participation you have experienced in engaging low-income customers who may be eligible to receive SGIP incentives. Microsoft Teams Meeting information for attendance to the combined 3rd & 4th Quarter 2022 Virtual Workshop: Microsoft Teams Meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting Or call in (audio only) +1 858-284-1506,,660325673# United States, San Diego Phone Conference ID: 660 325 673# |
2022-10-11 | UPDATE: Self-Generation Incentive Program 2022 Combined 3rd & 4th Quarter Workshop RESCHEDULED To better align the Quarterly Workshop with SGIP regulatory activities and allow for more stakeholder involvement, the workshop has been rescheduled to Tuesday, November 1, 2022. Please update your calendars and save the date. A reminder notice including an agenda of topics to be discussed will be sent prior to the Workshop. |
2022-10-11 | Effective immediately: SoCalGas will accept SGIP-generated forms executed with Adobe Sign digital signature. All digital signature documents uploaded must also include the audit report (audit documentation generated after forms are successfully signed by parties). Forms that will be accepted are the Reservation Request Form (RRF), Proof of Project Milestone (PPM), and Incentive Claim Form (ICF) and all signature-required “Program Provided Application Documents and Forms” listed on the SGIP Resources page at []. This extends the e-signature platforms approved for use on SGIP-generated forms to Adobe Sign and One Span Sign. Please note SoCalGas continues to conduct digital security reviews of other e-signature platforms and will provide updates as additional platforms are approved for use. Any additional questions, please contact the Program Administrator for SoCalGas at |
2022-09-21 | Southern California Edison (SCE) has launched its Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) Lookup Tool. SCE hosts this tool on its website which allows SCE customers to determine how many PSPS power shut off events they have experienced. Customers can look up their address to determine if their site has been impacted by two or more PSPS events. Please note that the tool will only reflect outages due to PSPS events. Customers seeking information as to whether they have been affected by an outage due to a wildfire can submit an inquiry to SCE PSPS Lookup Tool is available here: |
2022-09-20 | Dear SGIP Stakeholders, A list of Contractors State License Board (CSLB) Classifications currently approved for installation of SGIP-eligible technologies will be posted to the Resources page on [] on September 29th, 2022. This list will be available under the Program Provided Application Documents and Forms section. This list provides clarification on licenses issued by the State of California CSLB that comply with current installation requirements for the SGIP. Prior to the posting date, the document can be accessed here: Please reach out to your Program Administrator if you have any questions. Thank you, SGIP Program Administrators |
2022-09-15 | Self-Generation Incentive Program 2022 Combined 3rd & 4th Quarter Workshop – SAVE THE DATE The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholders to attend and participate in the combined 3rd & 4th Quarter 2022 Workshop on Tuesday, October 18, 2022, from 9:00am – 12:00pm (PST). The SGIP PAs will provide updates and discuss various topics (Program Metrics, Equity Low-income Program Accessibility, Regulatory Updates, etc.). Final agenda and call-in details will be provided on and sent to the R.20-05-012 service list prior to the Workshop. To ensure a robust agenda with relevant topics, the SGIP PAs would like to hear from stakeholders regarding additional discussion topics to be considered for the agenda. Please send any topic requests to: The SGIP PAs look forward to you joining the combined 3rd & 4th Quarter 2022 Workshop. Please note that while the presentation slides will be posted after the workshop, the workshop itself will not be recorded. Thank You, SGIP PAs |
2022-09-12 | The 2022 SGIP Handbook V3 is now available to be downloaded at: Effective August 29, 2022, the 2022 SGIP Handbook V3 contains revisions to the SGIP Handbook as stated in the Joint AL issued by the PAs (SoCalGas Advice Letter No. 5875/PG&E Advice No. 4498-G/6342-E/SCE Advice No. 4596-E/CSE Advice No. 129-E) to modify pre-installation monitoring requirements for the measurement and evaluation of large thermal energy storage (L-TES) projects. Please reach out to your PA if you have any questions. Thank you, SGIP Programs Administrators |
2022-08-11 | On August 30, 2022, the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) will open Step 5 for the following territory and budget category: Pacific Gas & Electric: • Energy Storage General Market Budget o Large-Scale Storage Previous CPUC Decisions required PGE to reallocate all Step 5 Large-Scale Storage funding to other budget categories. PGE Step 5 Large-Scale Storage budget is attrition dollars made available up to the date of opening. Current available budget and status of the Developer Cap can be found at |
2022-07-26 | The 2022 SGIP Handbook V2 is now available to be downloaded at: Effective April 10, 2022, the 2022 SGIP Handbook V2 contains revisions to the SGIP Handbook pursuant to Ordering Paragraph 2 of Resolution E-5182 to modify the method for determining eligibility for an SGIP project to receive the California Manufacturer Adder when components of the equipment are manufactured in California, as previously set forth in the Decision 16-06-055. In addition, the CA Manufacturer Application has also been revised to reflect these modifications, which can also be accessed at the link listed above. Applications to be a CA Manufacturer may be submitted at this time. A forthcoming announcement will be posted when the new rules are available in the database. Until that time, applicants should reach out to their respective Program Administrator (PA) for instructions on how to claim the adder in the database. Please reach out to your PA if you have any questions. Thank you, SGIP Programs Administrators |
2022-06-14 | Effective June 6, 2022, the Step 4 Large-Scale Storage budget for the SoCalGas territory became fully funded. The opening date for the Step 5 Large-Scale Storage budget in the SoCalGas territory will be July 11, 2022. For more information regarding available funds, please visit the SGIP Program Metrics page at []. |
2022-06-02 | Dear SGIP Stakeholders, The SGIP Program Administrators (PAs) are hosting the Q2 2022 Quarterly Workshop via Microsoft Teams. All stakeholders are invited to attend online. • WHEN: Tuesday, June 7, 2022; 9:00am – 12:00pm (PDT) • WHERE: Microsoft Teams Meeting • WHO: All SGIP stakeholders Current Proposed Agenda Topics: • Program Metrics Update • Metering for Unincentivized Systems • Inspection Sampling Protocol • Application Processing Times (PPM, ICF) • Regulatory Updates • Helpful Advice for Applicants / Resources for Applicants Link to Microsoft Teams meeting: Join on your computer or mobile app Or call in (audio only) +1 213-297-0156,,767642159# United States, Los Angeles Phone Conference ID: 767 642 159# |
2022-05-27 | SGIP Stakeholders, As part of the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators’ (PAs) efforts to improve application processing as outlined in Advice Letter 4630-E, the Proof of Project Milestone (PPM) form is no longer required to be generated and signed for 3-Step applications if no changes occur after the conditional reservation is issued. Information required to be entered during the PPM stage will not be considered a change to the application. In addition, applications submitted to the PG&E territory are no longer required to submit a copy of the utility bill and are no longer required to submit a copy of the Permission to Operate letter. Please reach out to your respective SGIP PA if you have any questions. Thank You, SGIP PAs |
2022-05-25 | Dear SGIP Stakeholders, The SGIP Program Administrators (PAs) are hosting the Q2 2022 Quarterly Workshop via Microsoft Teams. All stakeholders are invited to attend online. • WHEN: Tuesday, June 7, 2022; 9:00am – 12:00pm (PDT) • WHERE: Microsoft Teams Meeting • WHO: All SGIP stakeholders Current Proposed Agenda Topics: • Program Metrics Update • Metering for Unincentivized Systems • Inspection Sampling Protocol • Application Processing Times (PPM, ICF) • Regulatory Updates • Helpful Advice for Applicants / Resources for Applicants To ensure a robust agenda with relevant topics, the SGIP PAs would like to hear from stakeholders on potential discussion topics to be added to the agenda. Please contact one of the PAs listed below with your requests and the PAs will do their best to address your questions. The link to the Microsoft Teams Meeting, with the agenda, will be sent out prior to the meeting. We look forward to you participating in the Workshop! Southern California Edison (SCE) Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) SoCalGas |
2022-05-16 | Large-scale storage projects claiming the ITC will no longer be subjected to a 72% differential of the current incentive rate if the equipment was purchased after December 31, 2021 as outlined in CPUC Decision 20-01-021. Current large-scale storage projects claiming the ITC that prove to have purchased equipment after December 31, 2021 will receive the same incentive rate as non-ITC large scale storage. The ITC plus the SGIP incentive will continue to remain capped at the total eligible project costs. Proof of purchase will be verified during review of the executed customer contract. If funding is available, incentives of the affected applications will be adjusted during the application review. Please reach out to your respective SGIP PA if you have any questions about the incentive calculation for projects claiming the ITC. |
2022-05-09 | On June 6, 2022, the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) will open Step 4 for the following territory and budget category: Center for Sustainable Energy (SDG&E customers): Energy Storage General Market Budget Large-Scale Storage Budget Step 4 Applicants may begin creating reservation requests at any time. These applications may then be submitted once the Step 4 Large-Scale Storage budget opens. For more information regarding available funds, please visit the SGIP Program Metrics page at |
2022-04-27 | On April 22, 2022, the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) closed the Step 3 budget for the following territory and budget category: Center for Sustainable Energy (SDG&E customers): - Energy Storage General Market Budget - Large-Scale Storage Budget Step 3 No new applications may be submitted to this budget category until the next step opens. Once the lottery results have been finalized, the opening date for step 4 will be announced. Applicants may begin creating reservation requests at any time. These applications may then be submitted once the Step 4 Large-Scale Storage budget opens. |
2022-04-21 | Effective April 20, 2022, the Step 3 Large-Scale Storage budget for the SoCalGas territory became fully funded. The opening date for the Step 4 Large-Scale Storage budget in the SoCalGas territory will be June 6, 2022. For more information regarding available funds, please visit the SGIP Program Metrics page at |
2022-03-24 | The 2022 SGIP Handbook V1 is available and can be downloaded at: The handbook has also been posted to the SGIP Resources page. The 2022 SGIP Handbook V1 contains proposed revisions to the SGIP Handbook pursuant to D.21-06-005. Please reach out to your PA if you have any questions. Thank you, SGIP Program Administrators |
2022-03-15 | Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) has launched its Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) and Wildfire Event Lookup Tool CSE now hosts on its website a tool San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) customers can utilize to determine how many PSPS events they’ve experienced. Customers can look up their SDG&E meter number to determine if their property has been impacted by two or more PSPS events or a wildfire outage. The tool will be updated as new events are reported by SDG&E. Please note that at this time, the tool will only reflect outages due to PSPS events. Customers should reach out to SDG&E directly regarding information on whether they have been affected by an outage due to a wildfire. Wildfire outages will be added as the data is made available to CSE. Go here for the CSE PSPS and Wildfire Lookup Tool: |
2022-03-01 | Self-Generation Incentive Program 2022 1st Quarter Workshop The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholders to attend and participate in the 1st Quarter 2022 Workshop on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, from 9AM – 12PM (PST). Agenda topics include: • Program Metrics • Regulatory Updates • WattTime Update (SGIP GHG Signal) • Energy Solutions Database Development (SGIP Database) • SGIP Handbook Redesign • Inspection Streamlining (Open Forum) Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting: Or call in (audio only) +1 415-906-0873,,962777897# United States, San Francisco Phone Conference ID: 962 777 897# Find a local number | Reset PIN Need Help with Teams? Click on the Help option in this invite to connect you directly to our Teams at PG&E Training site! Learn More | Help | Meeting options Find a Local Number: Reset My Pin: Learn More: Meeting Options: The SGIP PAs look forward to you joining the 1st Quarter 2022 Workshop. Please note that while the presentation slides will be posted after the workshop, the workshop itself will not be recorded. Thank You, SGIP PAs |
2022-02-24 | The opening of Large Scale Storage Step 5 budget category in SCE territory has been delayed. On March 1, 2022 the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) will open Step 5 for the following territory and budget category: Southern California Edison: • Energy Storage General Market Budget • Large-Scale Storage Previous CPUC Decisions required SCE to reallocate all Step 5 Large-Scale Storage funding to other budget categories. SCE Step 5 Large-Scale Storage budget is attrition dollars made available up to the date of opening. Please refer to the SGIP Program Metrics for available funds. [] |
2022-02-03 | On February 23, 2022 the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) will open Step 5 for the following territory and budget category: Southern California Edison: Energy Storage General Market Budget Large-Scale Storage Previous CPUC Decisions required SCE to reallocate all Step 5 Large-Scale Storage funding to other budget categories. SCE Step 5 Large-Scale Storage budget is attrition dollars made available up to the date of opening. Please refer to the SGIP Program Metrics for available funds. |
2022-01-27 | To GHG Signal API Users: This is a reminder that on January 31, 2022 at midnight [PST] the new SGIP GHG signal will become the default signal provided through the SGIP GHG signal API. Both the old signal (version 1.0) and new signal (version 2.0) are currently available, but by default the v1.0 signal will be delivered until January 31, 2022 at which point the new signal will be delivered by default. While the new signal remains substantially similar to the old signal, the updated assumptions will change the magnitude of the signal and we advise developers to review the new signal if it could affect your optimization approach. Please see the SGIP GHG Signal API documentation for details on how to access the different model versions. If you have any questions regarding the new GHG Signal version, you can contact Henry Richardson, WattTime Senior Analyst: |
2022-01-21 | On December 16, 2021, the California Public Utilities Commission’s Energy Division issued a Non-Standard Disposition letter approving the SGIP Program Administrators (PAs) Joint Advice Letter of proposed revisions to the SGIP Handbook pursuant to D.21-06-005. The revised SGIP Handbook is now available to download on and incorporates a new requirement for Medical Baseline customers to complete an attestation confirming the following: 1. Equity Resiliency Budget incentive will be used for energy storage equipment installed at the customer’s primary residence; and 2. Customer is Self-certifying that they have a serious illness or condition that could become life-threatening if service is disconnected As of today, the attestation is available and can be downloaded on under Forms and Documents or at the below link: All projects for customers claiming eligibility in the Equity Resiliency Budget under Medical Baseline that are funded on or after January 21, 2022 (the date this form has been made available) must complete this attestation as part of the application. This includes projects that are funded off of the waitlist on or after January 21, 2022 Please upload the attestation as an ad hoc document for each affected application on |
2022-01-12 | California Public Utilities Commission Decision 21-06-005 extends the Equity Resiliency and General Market Resiliency Adder requirements to customers who have experienced one Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) event and one de-energization or power outage from an actual wildfire that occurred on or after January 1, 2017, in addition to customers that have experienced two or more discrete PSPS events and apply the eligibility requirements to the meter not to individual customers, referencing CalFIRE or a similar source to define the term "wildfire.". Customers who qualify under the expanded eligibility may submit applications now. The SGIP Program Administrators (PAs) are currently working with Energy Solutions to update the database with new fields in the online application for this criteria . Until those updates are complete, please fill out the following as needed: For projects applying under the expanded eligibility, please upload an ad-hoc document stating that your customer is claiming eligibility under one discrete PSPS event and one de-energization or power outage from a wildfire event that occurred on or after January 1, 2017. ---------------------------------- For Equity Resiliency, Generation (Residential), General Market (Residential) budget categories: When asked, “Has experienced at least two discrete PSPS events?” – Select Yes if you have experienced two or more discrete PSPS events, or one PSPS event and one de-energization or power outage from an actual wildfire that occurred on or after January 1, 2017. For Generation (Non-Residential), General Market (Non-Residential) budget categories: When asked, “Does the host customer provide critical facilities or infrastructure to one or more communities in a Tier 3 or Tier 2 HFTD or a community with customers whose electricity was shut off during two or more discrete PSPS events?” - Select Yes if the host customer provides critical facilities or infrastructure to one or more communities in a Tier 3 or Tier 2 High Threat Fire District (HTFD) or a community with customers whose electricity was shut off during two or more discrete PSPS events, or one PSPS event and one de-energization or power outage from an actual wildfire that occurred on or after January 1, 2017. For Equity Resiliency (Non-Residential) budget category: Does the host customer provide critical services or infrastructure during a PSPS event to a community that is at least partially located in a Tier 2 or Tier 3 HFTD and eligible for the equity budget? – Select Yes if the host customer provides critical services or infrastructure during a PSPS event to a community that is at least partially located in a Tier 2 or Tier 3 HFTD, or a community with customers whose electricity was shut off during two or more discrete PSPS events, or one PSPS event and one de-energization or power outage from an actual wildfire that occurred on or after January 1, 2017 and eligible for the equity budget. ------------------- Please note that if you are applying for the Equity Resiliency or General Market Resiliency Adder and qualify under the extended terms, you may be required to submit additional information your experiences with PSPS events and de-energization or power outage events. If you have any questions, please contact your PA directly. |
2022-01-04 | SGIP Stakeholders, Effective December 16, 2021, California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) issued a disposition on the SGIP Advice Letter 4481-G/6316-E approving the updated SGIP Handbook to reflect recent changes from CPUC Decision (D.) 21-06-005. As of January 5th, 2022, you may start drafting SGIP incentive applications for all Generation Projects as the Database has been updated with the new Handbook modifications implementing D.21-06-005. This Decision also removed the pause on applications related to Renewable Generation Projects that use a capture/use/destroy baseline; however, applications for projects that use a capture/use/destroy baseline will be required to remain in “RRF Draft” status until January 12th, 2022. Please contact your SGIP Program Administrator for additional information. |
2021-12-22 | On December 16, 2021, the California Public Utilities Commission approved Decision 21-12-031. This Decision requires the SGIP Program Administrators (PAs) to immediately allocate all accumulated unallocated funds, approximately $67 million, to the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) energy storage budgets: (1) first to energy storage budgets with waitlisted applications as of the date of adoption of this decision, with priority given to waitlisted Equity Resiliency budget, Equity and then General Market applications; (2) after all waitlisted applications have been served, the decision allocates remaining funds, if any, to Equity Resiliency budgets. In order to comply with this Decision, the PAs will be assigning funds to the projects on the waitlist as of the date of the Decision approval over the next few weeks. During this time, no projects on the waitlist for the affected budget categories will be assigned funding from attrition. PAs will also reach out to the participant(s) for any projects for which partial funds may be available to offer first right of refusal. This process is expected to be completed on January 3, 2022, with the projects for which funding is assigned receiving notices on January 4, 2022. After this process is complete, the waitlist will resume automatic operation with funds being assigned to projects on the waitlist as attrition occurs funds become available. If you have any questions about this process, please contact your respective PA. |
2021-12-22 | On January 10, 2022 the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) will open Step 4 for the following territory and budget category: Southern California Edison: • Energy Storage General Market Budget o Large-Scale Storage Previous CPUC Decisions required SCE to reallocate all Step 4 Large-Scale Storage funding to other budget categories. SCE Step 4 Large-Scale Storage budget is attrition dollars made available up to the date of opening. Please refer to the SGIP Program Metrics for available funds. |
2021-12-08 | Self-Generation Incentive Program 2021 4th Quarter Workshop The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholders to attend and participate in the 4th Quarter 2021 Workshop on Monday, December 13, 2021, from 9AM – 1PM (PST). Agenda topics include: Program Metrics Regulatory Updates WattTime Presentation (SGIP GHG Signal) Energy Solutions Presentation (SGIP Database) SGIP Handbook Redesign Streamlining Advice Letter Streamlining TWG Discussion (Open Forum) Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Or call in (audio only) +1 619-519-7882,,323799962# United States, San Diego Phone Conference ID: 323 799 962# Find a local number | Reset PIN The SGIP PAs look forward to you joining the 4th Quarter 2021 Workshop. Please note that while the presentation slides will be posted after the workshop, the workshop itself will not be recorded. Thank You, SGIP PAs |
2021-11-19 | Self-Generation Incentive Program 2021 4th Quarter Workshop The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholders to attend and participate in the 4th Quarter 2021 Workshop on Monday, December 13, 2021, from 9AM – 1PM (PST). The SGIP PAs will provide updates and discuss various topics (Program Metrics, Streamlining Efforts, Regulatory Updates, etc.). Final agenda and call-in details will be provided on and sent to the R.20-05-012 service list the week of December 6, 2021. To ensure a robust agenda with relevant topics, the SGIP PAs would like to hear from stakeholders regarding potential discussion topics to be added to the agenda. Please contact one of the PAs listed below with your requests: The SGIP PAs look forward to you joining the 4th Quarter 2021 Workshop. Please note that while the presentation slides will be posted after the workshop, the workshop itself will not be recorded. Thank You, SGIP PAs |
2021-10-15 | On November 16, 2021, the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) will open Step 7 for the following territory and budget category: Pacific Gas & Electric: • Energy Storage General Market Budget o Small Residential Storage Current available budget and status of the Developer Cap can be found at |
2021-10-06 | Please post the following announcement to the SelfGenCA website: The Equity Resiliency (ER) budget for the SoCalGas territory became fully subscribed on September 26, 2021. The waitlist for the ER budget is now open. ER applications will be placed on the waitlist in the order received. The applications on the waitlist will be funded as attrition occurs. Please email if you have questions about this announcement. Thank You, SoCalGas |
2021-09-20 | Self-Generation Incentive Program 2021 3rd Quarter Workshop The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholders to attend and participate in the 3rd Quarter 2021 Workshop on Friday, September 24, 2021 from 9am – 11:30am (PDT). The agenda for this workshop includes Program Metrics, Residential and Non-Residential Streamlining Efforts, and Regulatory Updates. Please see Microsoft Teams Meeting information for the 3rd Quarter 2021 Workshop: Microsoft Teams Meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting Or call in (audio only) +1 858-284-1506,,268663413# United States, San Diego Phone Conference ID: 268 663 413# The SGIP PAs look forward to you joining us for the 3rd Quarter Workshop. Thank You, SGIP PAs |
2021-08-31 | On August 27, 2021, the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) closed the Step 6 budget for the following territory and budget category: Center for Sustainable Energy (SDG&E customers): Energy Storage General Market Budget Small Residential Energy Storage Step 6 The opening date for Center for Sustainable Energy’s General Market Small Residential Energy Storage Step 7 will be Monday, September 27th, 2021. The statewide Developer Cap for the step will be announced on and the CPUC service list no later than Monday, September 20th, 2021. Applicants may begin creating reservation requests at any time. These applications may then be submitted once the Step 7 Small Residential Energy Storage budget opens. Please direct any questions to your respective SGIP PA. |
2021-08-30 | “Self-Generation Incentive Program 2021 3rd Quarter Workshop The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholders to attend and participate in the 3rd Quarter 2021 Workshop on Friday, September 24, 2021 from 9am – 1pm (PDT). The SGIP PAs will be providing updates and discussing various topics (Program Metrics, Streamlining Efforts, Regulatory Updates). Final agenda and call-in details will be provided on and the CPUC service list the week of September 20, 2021. Please email the SGIP PAs if you have any suggested topics. The SGIP PAs look forward to you joining us for the 3rd Quarter Workshop. Thank You, SGIP PAs” |
2021-08-02 | The 2021 SGIP Handbooks V3 and V4 are available and can be downloaded at: The handbook has also been posted to the SGIP Resources page. The 2021 SGIP Handbook V3 contains clarification on the operational requirements for multifamily projects in the program. The 2021 SGIP Handbook V4 incorporates the additions from the previous version as well as new eligibility rules and methodology for Large Thermal Energy Storage (L-TES) technologies. Thank you, SGIP Program Administrators |
2021-06-29 | On June 28, 2021, the Equity Resiliency budget category became fully subscribed in the following territory: - Equity Resiliency • Southern California Edison The waitlist for this budget category is open. Any Equity Resiliency applications received will be placed on the waitlist. Projects on the waitlist will be funded through attrition. |
2021-06-16 | 2nd Announcement Dear SGIP Stakeholders, The SGIP Program Administrators (PAs) are hosting the Q2 2021 Quarterly Workshop via Microsoft Teams. All stakeholders are invited to attend online. • WHEN: Friday, June 18, 2021; 9:00am – 1:00pm (estimated) • WHERE: Microsoft Teams Webinar • WHO: All SGIP stakeholders Agenda Topics: • Program Metrics • Regulatory Updates • Database Updates • Streamlining Report • Equipment Approval Process Link to Microsoft Teams meeting: Join on your computer or mobile app Or call in (audio only) +1 213-297-0156,,88175654# United States, Los Angeles Phone Conference ID: 881 756 54# Meetings MAY be recorded only if the presenter enables the recording feature AND initiates recording. If the meeting is being recorded, you will be warned and you may either consent to recording by staying on the call or hang up and contact meeting host. We look forward to you participating in the Workshop! SGIP Program Administrators |
2021-06-08 | Dear SGIP Stakeholders, The SGIP Program Administrators (PAs) are hosting the Q2 2021 Quarterly Workshop via Microsoft Teams. All stakeholders are invited to attend online. • WHEN: Friday, June 18, 2021; 9:00am – 1:00pm (estimated) • WHERE: Microsoft Teams Webinar • WHO: All SGIP stakeholders Current Proposed Agenda Topics: • Program Metrics Update • Equipment Approval Process • Regulatory Updates • Database Updates • Streamlining Report To ensure a robust agenda with relevant topics, the SGIP PAs would like to hear from stakeholders on potential discussion topics to be added to the agenda. Please contact one of the PAs listed below with your requests and the PAs will do their best to address your questions. Southern California Edison (SCE) Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) SoCalGas The link to the Microsoft Teams Meeting, with the agenda, will be sent out prior to the meeting. We look forward to you participating in the Workshop! |
2021-04-15 | The latest version of the 2021 SGIP Handbook can now be downloaded at: This version incorporates Stay on Cancellations due to the COVID-19 pandemic for projects that have exhausted the 3 six-month extensions to the Reservation Expiration Date and PBI Pause on Calculations due to the COVID-19 pandemic per D.21-03-008 and D.21-03-009. In addition, the Project Cost Breakdown Worksheet and Project Cost Affidavit have now been incorporated as part of the Incentive Claim Form as allowed per Advice Letter 3966-E. These documents no longer need to be submitted as part of the ICF document package for new ICF submittals after March 4th, 2021. For any questions about these items, please feel free to reach out to your SGIP Program Administrator. Thank You, SGIP PAs |
2021-03-05 | On March 29, 2021, the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) will open Step 4 for the following territory and budget category: Pacific Gas & Electric: • Energy Storage General Market Budget o Large-Scale Energy Storage Current available budget and status of the Developer Cap can be found at |
2021-02-18 | SGIP Stakeholders, As a reminder..... The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Administrators will be hosting the Q1 2021 Quarterly Workshop on February 26th, 2021 from 9am to 1pm PST. Following this meeting, will be the monthly Technical Working Group (TWG) meeting for Residential and Non-Residential application streamlining. We welcome your participation to both the online Microsoft Teams Quarterly Workshop and TWG Meeting! (9AM – 12PM) Quarterly Workshop Agenda Topics: • Regulatory Updates • Program Metrics SGIP Project Costs; D.19-09-027 directed PAs to determine if a cost cap for energy storage projects should be implemented. Discussion on Measurement & Evaluation Reports; seeking stakeholder feedback on report content. • SCE’s Financial Assistance Program • PG&E's Developer Financial Assistance Pilot Investment Tax Credit (ITC), Equity Resiliency Budget requirements for Well Pump eligibility, and income verification Q&A (12PM – 1PM) Streamlining TWG Meeting Agenda Topics: • Residential: Follow-up on outstanding items • Non-Residential: Status on items moving forward • Q&A SGIP PAs look forward to your engagement in this first Quarterly Workshop of 2021 and the February Technical Working Group meeting! The 1st Quarter 2021 Workshop slides can be found here: Regards, SGIP Program Administrators Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer: Call-In: +1 415-906-0873,,205203859# Phone Conference ID: 205 203 859# |
2021-02-04 | The 2021 SGIP Handbook V1 can be downloaded at: The handbook will also be posted to the SGIP Resources page at a later date. The 2021 SGIP Handbook V1 incorporates updated eligibility requirements for Electric Well Pump customers as stated in D.20-10-025. In addition, the Electric Well Pump Attestation can be found on the Resources page of the SelfGenCA website The newest version of the handbook also includes the definition of an Entity for the Non-Residential Equity Budget as established in D.20-10-017. Thank you, SGIP Program Administrators |
2021-01-11 | Self-Generation Incentive Program Multi-family Technical Working Group Meeting Friday, January 15, 9:30am-10:30am PST The Statewide Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators announce the next Streamlining Technical Working Group (TWG). The first TWG meeting held on November 6, 2020 was very productive and resulted in noteworthy ideas and suggestions from stakeholders. As a result, it was determined that dividing the streamlining effort into subgroups would be the most productive approach. This meeting will focus solely on multi-family participation in the program. The agenda and schedule for the upcoming TWG meeting for general residential and non-residential streamlining discussions will be issued separately for interested participants. Agenda Topics Include: • Introductions • Agenda Topics (to be amended as necessary) Multifamily 3pm – 4pm: • Multi-family installations behind a non-residential meter o Path forward for GHG emissions reductions and operations compliance • Virtual Net Energy Metering (VNEM) and Resiliency Date: January 15, 2020 Time: 9:30am-10:30am PST Register at attend here: |
2021-01-11 | Announcement To Save The Date! Self-Generation Incentive Program Residential and Non-Residential Technical Working Group Meeting January 26, 2021; 10am – 12pm The statewide Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Administrators announce the Technical Working Group (TWG) Meeting to address Residential Application Streamlining. • The CPUC Scoping Memo issued August 17, 2020 calls for the formation of a technical working group to identify process streamlining opportunities. SGIP stakeholders are cordially invited to participate in this working group to produce ideas to improve SGIP eligibility, application, review, approval and other administrator functions. **Please send your SGIP Program Administrator additional potential Residential and/or Non-Residential topics for discussion by Noon, Tuesday, Jan.19th. SGIP PAs will amend the Agenda to the best of our ability. Thank you! Initial Agenda Topics Include: • Introductions, Meeting Structure and Cadence o Level-set: this is for resolutions to topics/issues raised during the Nov. & Dec. TWG meetings. • Agenda Topics; to be amended as necessary o Residential Topics Discussion (10:00am – 11:30am) o Non-Residential Topics Discussion (11:30am – 12:00pm) o Topics: • Utility & Host Customer documentation • Trainings and Workshops • Formatting Handbook into various sectors: Residential, Multi-Family, Non-Residential • Manufacturer specs/templates hosted on to support applicants • Potential Database enhancements • Equipment verification process • Opportunities to have conversations with Reviewer/PAs • Minimize the number of signatures required • Tools and Resources to guide users through the application process Date: January 26, 2021 Time: 10am – 12pm Microsoft Teams meeting info Link: Call-in: +1 415-906-0873,,425205737# Conference ID: 425 205 737# Regards, SGIP Program Administrators |
2021-01-07 | On January 5th, 2020, the Equity Resiliency budget category became fully subscribed in the following territory: - Equity Resiliency • Center for Sustainable Energy The waitlist for this budget category will open once the Program Administrator has finalized the lottery in their territory. Projects on the waitlist will be funded through attrition. |
2020-12-21 | Dear SGIP Applicants, CPUC Decision 20-10-017 directed the SGIP Program Administrators to conduct a one-time lottery for projects submitted on May 12, 2020 to the Non-Residential Equity Budget. On December 13th, 2020, the results of this lottery were finalized for all territories. Applications selected in the lottery were submitted to the Non-Residential Equity Budget. Applications that were not selected for the lottery were placed back on the waitlist in their lottery order. The waitlist order for these applications is separated by Program Administrator territory and can be accessed here: Waitlisted applications submitted on or after May 13, 2020 in the Non-Residential Equity budget category will follow normal waitlist procedures and be assigned according to their timestamp after all May 12, 2020 applications have come off the waitlist. Regards, SGIP Program Administrators |
2020-12-16 | 2nd Announcement – (Part 2: Meeting Agenda) Self-Generation Incentive Program Technical Working Group Meeting on Streamlining Date: December 18, 2020 Time: 1:00pm – 4:00pm As a result of the meeting held on November 6, 2020, it was determined that dividing the streamlining effort into subgroups would be the most productive approach. Agenda Topics Include: • Introductions, Meeting Structure and Cadence • Agenda Topics (to be amended as necessary) Residential 1pm – 2pm: • Reasons for Suspensions o SGIP approved rate? o Other reasons? o Solicit ideas to minimize occurrence of suspensions • Standardizing & Merging of forms and documents o Elimination of documents (removal of PMP during RRF?) o Merge ICF with PPM or Executed Contract with PPM? o 1-Step Application process o Project Cost Affidavit? • PA Response time and Program Information o Set up windows of time with PAs to review projects o ‘Hover’ info links on application? o Host webinars to assist & collaborate with Developers on creating trainings (PG&E hosts Office Hours every Thursday @3pm) • Uploads/Downloads/Database o Cleaner way to export PBI data o New, faster/transparent certification of new equipment o ITC issue – SGIP database calculation vs. developer calculation Non-Residential 2pm – 3pm: • Reduce number of signatures needed in RRF • Cleaner way to export PBI Historical Data • How to fill out application step-by-step Multifamily 3pm – 4pm: • Identify Multifamily issues • Program implementation development • Improvement to RRF to better encompass the requirement for Multifamily Regards, SGIP Program Administrators |
2020-12-16 | 2nd Announcement – (Part 1: Microsoft Meeting Link) Self-Generation Incentive Program Technical Working Group Meeting on Streamlining The statewide Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators announce the next Streamlining Technical Working Group (TWG). Link to Microsoft Teams Meeting: Date: December 18, 2020 Time: 1:00pm – 4:00pm Where/How: Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer: Or call in (audio only) +1 213-297-0156 United States, Los Angeles Phone Conference ID: 381 337 940# Regards, SGIP Program Administrators |
2020-12-11 | Dear SGIP Applicants, CPUC Decision 20-10-017 directed the SGIP Program Administrators to conduct a one-time lottery for projects submitted on May 12, 2020 to the Non-Residential Equity Budget. On December 13th, 2020, the results of this lottery will be finalized for all territories. Applications selected in the lottery will be submitted to Non-Residential Equity Budget and applicants will receive an email confirmation. Applications that are not selected for the lottery will be placed back on the waitlist in their lottery order. Projects on the waitlist will be funded as incentive funds become available throughout the remainder of the program. Waitlisted applications submitted on or after May 13, 2020 in the Non-Residential Equity budget category will follow normal waitlist procedures and be assigned according to their timestamp after all May 12, 2020 applications have come off the waitlist. Please direct any questions to your respective SGIP PA. |
2020-12-03 | Save The Date! Self-Generation Incentive Program Streamlining Technical Working Group Meeting December 18, 2020, 1 pm – 4 pm PST The statewide Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators announce the next Streamlining Technical Working Group (TWG). The first TWG meeting held on November 6, 2020 was very productive and resulted in noteworthy ideas and suggestions from stakeholders. As a result, it was determined that dividing the streamlining effort into subgroups would be the most productive approach. This next TWG session will be divided into the following subgroups: • Residential • Non-Residential • Multi-Family A follow-up announcement will be issued providing the Microsoft Teams Meeting information, agenda, and start times for each of the subgroup meetings scheduled for December 18, 2020. **Please send your SGIP Program Administrator an email with additional potential topics or questions for discussion you would like added to the agenda with the subject line “TWG Meeting Suggestion.” Thank you! Regards, SGIP Program Administrators |
2020-11-20 | CPUC Decision D.19-08-001 ( requires that legacy applications (applications submitted to the SGIP application portal prior to April 1st, 2020) adhere to one of the three compliance pathways detailed below. Developers have the option every December to change their selected pathway from the previous year, effective for the forthcoming year. Developers may select a new compliance pathway during the enrollment period of December 1st, 2020 through December 15th, 2020. Option 1: RTE Pathway: • Legacy projects must comply with the annual RTE requirement of 66.5 percent in place at the time the project was approved. Option 2: Storage Rate/DR Pathway: • The annual RTE requirement does not apply but the project must enroll in an economic demand response (DR) program integrated into the CAISO or a future demand response auction mechanism (DRAM) offering, or in an approved storage rate. Option 3: Zero GHGs Pathway: • Developer fleets must reduce GHGs to zero kg/kWh rated capacity, assessed annually; and, the annual RTE requirement does not apply. Please note that all legacy applications will automatically default to their current Compliance Pathway if a new selection is not made during the enrollment period. If you wish to select an alternate pathway, you must submit the form at the link below between December 1st, 2020 through December 15th, 2020. GHG Pathway Compliance Form: Thank you for your continued participation in the program. If you are not changing the Compliance Pathway, no further action or response is needed for your project(s). Please use the Public Report ( to determine the Application Codes associated with your Developer Company. |
2020-11-06 | PG&E has launched its Public Safety Power Shutoff Address Lookup Tool PG&E now hosts on its website a tool customers can utilize to determine how many PSPS events they’ve experienced. Customers can look up their PG&E address to determine if their property has been impacted by two or more PSPS events, which is an Equity Resiliency eligibility criteria. The tool will be updated within 30 days of the most recent PSPS event. Go here for the PG&E PSPS Lookup Tool: |
2020-11-04 | Self-Generation Incentive Program Quarterly Workshop The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholders to attend and participate in the 4th Quarter 2020 Workshop. The SGIP PAs will be discussing an array of topics and providing program updates. To participate in this quarterly workshop, please register at: Date: Tuesday, November 17th, 2020 Time: 9:00am – 1:00pm Webinar Details: GoToWebinar details will be provided via email upon registration. Agenda: 1. Welcome and PA Introductions (CSE) (9:00-9:15am) 2. Program Metrics and Budget Availability (SCE) (9:15-9:35am) 3. Discuss Program Opening (CSE/PGE) (9:40-10:15) a. Residential Soft Target b. Projects Providing Backup Capabilities c. Eligibility for Resiliency Adder 4. EPW changes and documentation (AESC and CSE) (10:30-11:00am) 5. Generation Update (SCG) (11:00-11:20) 6. Update on recent Decisions a. Electric Pump Well (CSE) (11:20-11:45am) b. CESA Decision (SCE) (11:45-12pm) 7. Update on development (ES) (12-12:20) 8. GSFA Presentation (12:25-12:50) 9. Closing Remarks (PAs) (12:50-1:00pm) The 4th Quarter 2020 Workshop slides can be found here: Thank You, SGIP Program Administrators |
2020-11-04 | 2nd Announcement To Save The Date! Self-Generation Incentive Program Technical Working Group Meeting November 6, 2020; 1pm – 4pm The statewide Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Administrators announce the first Technical Working Group (TWG) Meeting to address Application Streamlining. • The CPUC Scoping Memo issued August 17, 2020 calls for the formation of a technical working group to identify process streamlining opportunities. SGIP stakeholders are cordially invited to participate in this working group to produce ideas to improve SGIP eligibility, application, review, approval and other administrator functions. **Please send your SGIP Program Administrator additional potential topics for discussion by Noon, Wednesday, Nov. 4th. SGIP PAs will amend the Agenda to the best of our ability. Thank you! Initial Agenda Topics Include: • Introductions, Meeting Structure and Cadence • Agenda Topics; to be amended as necessary o Level-set: this is Brainstorming and we will sort in-scope and out-of-scope topics o Potential topics: • Consolidation or modification of required documents • Preliminary Monitoring Plan (PMP) • Manufacturer specs/templates hosted on to support applicants • Utility & Host Customer documentation • 1-Step Application process • Ways to avoid Suspension • Trainings and Workshops • Potential Database enhancements • Equipment verification process Date: November 6, 2020 Time: 1:00pm – 4:00pm Where/How: Microsoft Teams meeting Or call in (audio only) +1 415-906-0873,,36876913# United States, San Francisco Phone Conference ID: 368 769 13# Regards, SGIP Program Administrators |
2020-10-12 | Option To Opt-In To New Incentive Step-down Structure Currently Available To New General Market Residential Projects For General Market Small Residential Storage projects with discharge duration greater than 2 hours that were on the Step 5 waitlist and have been assigned to Step 6: Due to recent program modifications adopted by Decision (D.)20-07-015, Resilient General Market Small Residential Storage applications that have been approved by the AHJ to grid island and provide backup power in the event of a grid outage can opt-in to the new incentive step-down structure in which 100% of the incentive base rate is available for systems with durations of up to 4 hours (Handbook Table 5.3.3). For Example: Step 6 = $0.20/Wh (Base incentive) Discharge Duration (hours) x % of Base incentive Current incentive step-down structure 0 – 2 hours = 100% of Base incentive 2 – 4 hours = 50% of Base incentive 4 – 6 hours = 25% of Base incentive 6+ = 0% of Base incentive If electing to opt-in for a Resilient System: Revised incentive step-down structure 0 - 4 hours = 100% of Base incentive 4 - 6 hours = 50% of Base incentive 6+ = 0% of Base incentive To opt-in to this revised incentive structure, the SGIP applicant must first upload a completed Customer Resiliency Attestation ( to the SGIP portal. Once this document has been uploaded to the SGIP portal, you may request review of your project for this change by registering your project at the following link: Only projects that have submitted a Customer Resiliency Attestation prior to registering will be considered a complete request for evaluation. Requests will be reviewed in the order received and will be subject to funding availability to support an increase to the current incentive value of the application. This link will be active through Dec. 31, 2020. Requests received after Dec. 31, 2020 can be submitted directly to your Program Administrator. SGIP PAs |
2020-09-24 | The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) General Market budgets will be updated to reflect program modifications directed in CPUC Decisions 20-01-021 and 20-07-015. The opening schedule below is dependent on disposition of the Implementation Advice Letters for these Decisions and is subject to change. On Monday, October 5th, 2020: o The General Market Small Residential Storage projects currently on the waitlist will be assigned to Step 6 in the order received. o Applicants may begin drafting new Small Residential Storage applications for submission on the opening date, below. o The General Market Large-Scale Storage Reservation Request Form will be updated with fields to meet the new eligibility requirements. Applications submitted on or after this date will require new requirements be met. o Database updates necessary to calculate the revised incentives for the General Market Renewable Generation Budget are forthcoming; however, applicants wishing to apply to this budget prior to these updates should contact their program administrator to discuss manual submission adjustments. Applications submitted on or after this date must use a “vented” baseline and will be subject to the new rules and incentive rates. • Note: per D. 20-01-021 applications for renewable projects using a use/capture/destroy or “flared” baseline are currently paused pending a renewable gas workshop and subsequent CPUC direction. On Monday, October 12th, 2020: o New Small Residential Storage applications can be submitted into the Small Residential Step 6. Please refer to the FAQ about these program changes at: Information on the opening date and increased incentive rates for Generation budgets is forthcoming. Thank you, SGIP Program Administrators |
2020-09-18 | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Decision 20-01-021 directed the SGIP Program Administrators (PAs) to post a master list of all circuits that have had two or more PSPS events and the dates and times of the events. The most recent list of PSPS de-energized circuits can be found below: o PG&E: o SCE: o SDG&E: These lists will also be posted to the SGIP Resources page at a later date. Please direct any questions to your respective SGIP PA. |
2020-08-06 | On July 15, 2020, the CPUC issued a Non-Standard Disposition letter approving the SGIP Program Administrators (PAs) Joint Advice Letter of proposed revisions to the SGIP Handbook pursuant to D.20-05-041. The revised SGIP Handbook incorporates the required changes for Medical Baseline customers who do not have access to an approved Medical Baseline Time-of-Use (TOU) rate in their territory and is now posted on This Handbook includes all approved program changes to date. |
2020-07-14 | Self-Generation Incentive Program Quarterly Workshop The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholders to attend and participate in the 3rd Quarter 2020 Workshop. The SGIP PAs will be discussing an array of topics and providing program updates. The final agenda will be posted on prior to the workshop. To participate in this quarterly workshop, please join the webinar on July 24, 2020. Please find the webinar details listed below: Date: July 24, 2020 Time: 9:00am – 1:00pm Webinar Details: Microsoft Teams Meeting (Please note the Microsoft Teams Meeting is limited to the first 250 participants). 1-(858)-284-1506 United States, San Diego (Toll) Conference ID: 864 610 884# Thank You, SGIP PAs |
2020-07-07 | On June 29, 2020 the CPUC issued a Non-Standard Disposition letter approving the SGIP Program Administrators (PAs) Joint Advice Letter of proposed revisions to the SGIP Handbook pursuant to D.20-01-021. Funding authorized in this Decision for the Equity Resiliency and Residential Equity Budgets will become available on Monday, July 20, 2020. Projects on the waitlist for these budgets on July 20th will receive funding in the order in which they were submitted to the application portal. Any remaining funds will be available to new applications. The PAs are working to make the necessary Database adjustments and update the funding allocations to the remaining budget categories. The PAs will post an announcement on as soon as opening date is set for those budgets. |
2020-07-06 | On July 15, 2020, the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) will open Step 3 for the following territory and budget category: Pacific Gas & Electric: • Energy Storage General Budget o Large-Scale Energy Storage The Developer Cap for Step 3 Large-Scale Energy Storage was previously set when SCE opened Step 3 on 01/11/18. Current available budget and status of the Developer Cap can be found at Please direct any questions to your respective SGIP PA. |
2020-05-26 | The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) will be hosting an webinar on May 28, 2020 EVENT: How to Apply for Battery Storage Rebates Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Battery Storage for Income Qualified and Vulnerable Communities EVENT ADDRESS FOR ATTENDEES: DATE & TIME: Thursday, May 28, 2020 2:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time (San Francisco, GMT-07:00) DESCRIPTION: The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) recently made available over $600 million in rebates for battery storage to help Californians save money and stay safe during wildfire-related power outages. This webinar will provide an overview of the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) for local officials, community-based organizations, residents, and critical infrastructure providers who are interested in accessing this program. Please join staff from the CPUC, the Center for Sustainable Energy, Southern California Gas Company, Southern California Edison, and Pacific Gas and Electric Company to learn about the incentives, who is eligible, and how to apply. EVENT NUMBER: 966 540 879 EVENT PASSWORD: Battery AUDIO CONFERENCE: To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code. United States Toll Free 1-855-282-6330 United States Toll +1-415-655-0002 Access code: 966 540 879 |
2020-05-15 | On May 12, 2020, the equity and equity resiliency budget categories became fully subscribed in the following territories: - Equity Resiliency o Center for Sustainable Energy o Pacific Gas & Electric - Residential Equity Storage o Center for Sustainable Energy o Southern California Edison o Pacific Gas & Electric - Non-Residential Equity Storage o Center for Sustainable Energy o Southern California Gas Company o Southern California Edison o Pacific Gas & Electric The waitlists for these budget categories will open once each Program Administrator has finalized the lotteries in their territories. Projects on the waitlist will be funded through attrition. Updated information related to the release of 2020-2024 collections for applicable budget categories will be made available upon CPUC disposition of the Advice Letter proposing modifications to the SGIP Handbook implementing changes adopted in Decision (D.) 20-01-021. |
2020-05-08 | Effective May 8, 2020: In response to challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, SoCalGas is temporarily allowing the acceptance of One Span Sign digital signatures for SGIP-generated forms. Only digital signatures executed using the One Span Sign electronic signature platform will be accepted. All digital signature documents uploaded must include the One Span Sign Evidence Summary (audit documentation generated by One Span Sign after forms are successfully signed by parties). Forms that will be accepted are the Reservation Request Form (RRF), Proof of Project Milestone (PPM), and Incentive Claim Form (ICF) and all signature-required “Program Provided Application Documents and Forms” listed on the SGIP Resources page at Please note that digital signatures originating from other vendor platforms are not being accepted by SoCalGas at this time. If you have questions on the use of digital signatures for the SoCalGas territory please contact the Program Administrator at |
2020-05-06 | **UPDATED with a new Webinar link. The SGIP Database Provider is hosting a tutorial webinar on Friday, May 8, 2020. The webinar will be covering changes to the application process related to the new program requirements for: o Large Residential, Multi-family, and Non-Residential Storage Equity and Equity Resiliency o San Joaquin Valley Pilots projects. This tutorial will focus entirely on the software functionality of the database and no program eligibility topics will be covered. If you have questions about eligibility requirements, please contact a Program Administrator. All phone numbers are listed at DETAILS: WHO: Primarily for SGIP Applicants, but all stakeholders are welcomed to attend WHEN: Friday May 8, 2020 @ 12pm WHERE: Online webinar via Skype Broadcast. At the time of the webinar follow this link: |
2020-05-01 | As of May 1, 2020, a copy of the Energy Efficiency Audit report will no longer need to be submitted as part of Reservation Request Document Package for 2-Step applications or the Proof of Project Milestone Document Package for 3-Step applications. Per Decision 20-02-002, the Host Customer must attest that an Energy Efficiency Audit has been performed for the project site as part of the Reservation Request Form for 2-Step applications or Proof of Project Milestone Form for 3-Step applications. For additional details, please download the latest version of the 2020 SGIP Handbook at |
2020-04-24 | The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators will accept submissions for the following projects on May 12, 2020. Applicants may begin drafting applications for these projects on May 1, 2020: o Large Residential (>10kW), Multi-family, and Non-Residential Storage Equity o Large Residential (>10kW), Multi-family, and Non-Residential Equity Resiliency o Residential and Non-Residential San Joaquin Valley Pilot The SGIP Program Administrators will resume the acceptance of the following projects on May 1, 2020: o Small Residential (<=10kW) applications for Residential Storage Equity o Small Residential (<=10kW) applications for Equity Resiliency The latest version of the 2020 SGIP Handbook can be downloaded at Thank You, SGIP Program Administrators |
2020-04-09 | The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Administrators will be hosting the Q2 SGIP Quarterly Public Forum on Friday, April 17, 2020 from 9 AM to 1 PM via Skype. Please note the Skype meeting is limited to 200 participants. Topics of discussion will be: - COVID-19 impacts - Equity Resiliency and Equity Budget requirements - Pause of Equity Resiliency and Equity Budget for Residential Projects - Virtual Inspections For those interested in participating in the Q2 Public Forum, please register: - Send email a to - In the Subject Line: “Q2 SGIP Quarterly Public registration” - In the email, provide: o Your Name o Company Name o Email address Upon receipt of your request, an email notice will be sent to you with a link to join the Skype meeting. |
2020-04-03 | The opening of the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Non-Residential Equity Resiliency Budget has been postponed until May 1, 2020 as directed by the CPUC. Additionally, all open SGIP Equity and Equity Resiliency Budgets will be paused and no new applications accepted until May 1, 2020. This includes Residential and Non-Residential Equity Budgets as well as the Residential Equity Resiliency Budget. Updated program information will be made available upon CPUC disposition of the Advice Letter proposing modifications to the SGIP Handbook implementing changes adopted in Decision (D.) 19-09-027. |
2020-03-31 | WattTime, the SGIP GHG Signal provider, conducted a webinar on March 30, 2020 to explain the new GHG signal and forecasting tools, answer any questions, and solicit feedback. The link to the slides from the webinar is included below for reference. For developers who were unable to attend the webinar and want to provide additional feedback about the GHG signal, please provide comments using the following survey linked below. The responses to this survey will remain confidential and be used only by the Energy Division staff, the SGIP PAs and WattTime to improve forecast usefulness. Survey link: You can view a copy of the webinar presentation at the link below: |
2020-03-31 | The opening of the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Non-Residential Equity Resiliency Budget is delayed pending CPUC disposition of the Advice Letter proposing modifications to the SGIP Handbook implementing changes adopted in Decision (D.) 19-09-027. Additionally, Energy Division has requested an extension of time to open the SGIP Equity and Equity Resiliency Budget created in D.19-09-027. Updated program information will be made available upon disposition of these outstanding items. |
2020-03-24 | The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Signal for SGIP will be available April 1, 2020 and accessible through an Application Programming Interface (API). Details on how to access the signal, including real-time, historical, and forecast data through the API will be available at The final GHG Signal and forecasting tools will encompass the following: · 5-minute real-time signal, which will serve as the compliance signal · Short term forecasts, which consist of the following signals: · 15-minute forecast, with 5-minute granularity and updated every 15 minutes · Hour-ahead forecast, with 5-minute granularity and updated every 15 minutes · Day-ahead forecast, with 5-minute granularity and updated every 15 minutes · 72-hour ahead forecast, updated hourly · Long term forecasts, which consist of the following signals: · Month-ahead forecast, updated daily · Year-ahead forecast, updated monthly WattTime, the GHG Signal implementor, will host a webinar on Monday, March 30, 2020 from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM (Pacific Time) to explain the functionality of the API, where the GHG Signal will be accessible, and answer any questions about the signal and forecasts. This webinar is tailored to software engineers, product managers, and whomever will be performing dispatch optimization. *Please register for the webinar at this link: |
2020-02-28 | Beginning March 2, 2020, Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) applicants may begin creating Small Residential reservation requests for the Equity and Equity Resiliency Budgets. These applications may then be submitted on March 16, 2020. The current version of the SGIP Handbook can be downloaded at - Applicants will be able to begin drafting Multifamily Equity and Multifamily Equity Resiliency applications under the revised program rules beginning April 1, 2020. Due to Database constraints, customers wishing to submit Multi-Family Residential Equity applications under the existing program rules prior to April 1, 2020 should contact their program administrator. Applicants will also be able to begin drafting Non-Residential Equity and Non-Residential Equity Resiliency applications under the revised program rules beginning April 1, 2020. Customers wishing to submit to submit Non-Residential Equity applications under the existing program rules may continue to do so through the database prior to April 1, 2020. Please note: Application fees are no longer required for all SGIP residential projects submitted through the application portal after February 14th, 2020. Please direct any questions to your respective SGIP PA. |
2020-01-29 | In Decision 20-01-021, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) directed the SGIP Program Administrators (PAs) to submit a Joint Supplement to PG&E Advice Letter 4191-G/5714-E to further revise the SGIP handbook with the relevant program revisions adopted in that decision. Until that Advice Letter is approved by CPUC, the SGIP PAs are unable to open the residential Equity Resiliency budgets or amend the equity budget rules. Consequently, the residential Equity Resiliency budget and application process will not open on February 3rd as previously announced. Upon approval of AL 4191-G/5714-E, the PAs will confirm the earliest available opening date and post this information to Thank you, Center for Sustainable Energy (858) 244-1177 Pacific Gas and Electric (877) 743-4112 Southern California Gas (213) 244-3695 Southern California Edison (626) 302-0610 |
2020-01-23 | WattTime, the SGIP GHG Signal provider, conducted a webinar on January 15, 2020 to explain the new GHG signal tool, answer any questions, and solicit feedback. The slides from the webinar are attached for reference. For developers who were unable to attend the webinar or want to provide additional feedback about the GHG signal, please provide comments using the following survey linked below. The responses to this survey will remain confidential and be used only by the Energy Division staff, the SGIP PAs and WattTime to improve forecast usefulness. Survey link: Webinar Presentation: |
2020-01-10 | Dear SGIP Participant, Additional funds to the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) have been allocated to the Small Residential Storage Budget. The transfer will be completed by end of day Friday, January 10, 2020. Please note this only applies to Step 5 of the Small Residential Storage General Market Budget. |
2019-12-30 | The interim Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Signal for SGIP is now available and accessible through an Application Programming Interface (API). Details on how to access the interim signal, including real-time, historical, and forecast data through the API are available at WattTime, the GHG Signal implementor, will host a webinar on Wednesday, January 15, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (Pacific Standard Time) to explain the functionality of the API and gather feedback about features and forecasts before implementing the final version of the GHG signal. This webinar is tailored to software engineers, product managers, and whomever will be performing dispatch optimization. This is an important opportunity for GHG signal users to provide technical feedback. *Please register for the webinar at this link: |
2019-12-23 | ***UPDATED WITH NEW TIMES, WEBLINK, AND CALL-IN INFORMATION*** The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Administrators will be hosting the Q1 SGIP Quarterly Workshop on Tuesday, January 14, 2020 from 10 AM to 12 PM. Please note the revised start time for the Q1 SGIP Workshop. The SGIP PAs have been made aware of high hotel costs in San Francisco due to conferences being held on the same date. We are moving the start time to accommodate stakeholders who need to fly in for the day and will be unable to book accommodations the night prior to the workshop. Thank you for your understanding. Also, in accordance with Decision 19-09-027, the Self-Generation Incentive Program administrators and Energy Division staff will convene an SGIP Marketing, Education & Outreach Workshop from 1 PM to 3 PM on January 14, 2020. This workshop will go over the SGIP ME&O plan, defining the customer journey, and developing key messages to reach customers with critical resiliency needs. Both meetings will take place at the Pacific Energy Center (851 Howard St., San Francisco). For those that cannot attend either workshop in person, a call-in option is below for both workshops: Toll free: +1 800 603 7556 Access code: 747 023 441 The Heat Pump Water Heater Workshop that was originally scheduled for January 14th will be rescheduled. |
2019-11-06 | The waitlist for Small Residential projects has started in SoCalGas as funds for Step 5 Small Residential became fully exhausted on November 2nd, 2019. Applications for the Small Residential budget will be added to the waitlist in the order in which they are received. Projects will be funded as incentive funds become available throughout the remainder of the program. Additional information regarding the waitlist can be found in section 2.3.6 of the SGIP Handbook. |
2019-10-31 | ANNOUNCEMENT: NOTE: LOCATION CHANGE SGIP Stakeholders: The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Administrators will be hosting the Q4 SGIP Quarterly Workshop on Tuesday, November 5, 2019. Please note that the location for this workshop has changed! Please see details below. NEW LOCATION: Center for Sustainable Energy, 3980 Sherman Street, Suite 170 San Diego, CA 92110 Date: Tuesday, November 5, 2019 Time: 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. To register to attend the meeting in-person or online, please visit: After registering to attend, you will receive an email with the call-in details. Current Proposed Agenda: Program Updates and Metrics Regulatory Updates Equity Resiliency Decision GHG Signal Implementation Streamlining Items Database Updates Q&A This agenda is subject to change pending regulatory activity, stakeholder feedback and CPUC availability. In-person attendance is encouraged, and all SGIP stakeholders are invited. Hope to see you there! Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) (858) 244-1177 Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) (877) 743-4112 SoCalGas Southern California Edison (626) 302-0610 |
2019-10-28 | SGIP Stakeholders: The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Administrators will be hosting the Q4 SGIP Quarterly Workshop on Tuesday, November 5, 2019. While the event is being held in conjunction with the 2019 Energy Storage North America (ESNA) Conference workshops, the SGIP workshop is open to all SGIP stakeholders without purchase of a conference ticket or attendance of the ESNA events. Location: San Diego Convention Center, 111 West Harbor Drive, Room 7B, San Diego, CA 92101 Date: Tuesday, November 5, 2019 Time: 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. To register to attend the meeting in-person or online, please visit: After registering to attend, you will receive an email with the call-in details. Current Proposed Agenda: 1. Program Updates and Metrics 2. Regulatory Updates a. Equity Resiliency Decision b. GHG Signal Implementation c. Streamlining Items 3. Database Updates 4. Q&A This agenda is subject to change pending regulatory activity, stakeholder feedback and CPUC availability. In-person attendance is encouraged, and all SGIP stakeholders are invited. Hope to see you there! Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) (858) 244-1177 Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) (877) 743-4112 SoCalGas Southern California Edison (626) 302-0610 |
2019-10-17 | Dear SGIP Stakeholders, Please note that a new 2019 V1 Handbook has been posted to This Handbook incorporates streamlining items detailed in Advice Letter 3966-E, which was approved by the California Public Utilities Commission on August 28, 2019. The SGIP Program Administrators are working diligently to develop these items in the SGIP Database. Each item will be released and updated in the list below as it becomes available: Released October 4, 2019: - Remove Requirement for Copy of Check Submitted With Application - Remove Requirement for 3rd Party Authorization to Receive Customer Information Form for Systems ≤10kW - Require the Final Monitoring Schematic for All Projects - Correct the Handbook language for PDP Audits Released October 15, 2019: - Extending the Application Fee Refundable Period for 3-Step Projects Pending: - SGIP Equipment List - Modify Energy Storage Component Specification Requirement - Allow for Virtual Inspections – Residential Projects - Customer Opt-out of Non-critical Email Communications – Residential Customers - Include Project Cost Affidavit and Project Cost Breakdown in the Incentive Claim Form. Thank you. Self-Generation Incentive Program |
2019-10-15 | On October 7, 2019, SCE opened the waitlist for its Small Residential Storage Budget category. Developers may still apply to the program and projects will be added to the waitlist in the order in which they are received. Projects will be funded as incentive funds become available from cancellations throughout the remainder of the program. More information on the waitlist can be found in section 2.3.6 of the SGIP Handbook. |
2019-10-04 | Dear SGIP Stakeholders, Please note that a new 2019 V1 Handbook has been posted to This Handbook incorporates streamlining items detailed in Advice Letter 3966-E, which was approved by the California Public Utilities Commission on August 28, 2019. The SGIP Program Administrators are working diligently to develop these items in the SGIP Database. Each item will be released and updated in the list below as it becomes available: -SGIP Equipment List -Modify Energy Storage Component Specification Requirement -Allow for Virtual Inspections – Residential Projects -Remove Requirement for Copy of Check Submitted With Application -Customer Opt-out of Non-critical Email Communications – Residential Customers -Include Project Cost Affidavit and Project Cost Breakdown in the Incentive Claim Form -Remove Requirement for 3rd Party Authorization to Receive Customer Information Form for Systems ≤10kW -Require the Final Monitoring Schematic for All Projects -Extending the Application Fee Refundable Period for 3-Step Projects -Correct the Language for PDP Audits Thank you. |
2019-09-06 | ***UPDATED WITH CALL-IN AND WEBINAR INFORMATION*** Per Decision 19-08-001, the SGIP Program Administrators and Energy Division staff will convene a Thermal Energy Storage Working Group to discuss the new GHG rules and their applicability to thermal energy storage technologies. Stakeholders are invited to attend in person or call in. WHEN: Friday, September 13, 9:00am-3:00pm WHERE: Pacific Energy Center, 851 Howard St., San Francisco CA 94103 WHO: All SGIP stakeholders may participate HOW: Attend in person or call in. Call-in and webinar details provided below: Phone: +1 800 603 7556 Access Code: 747 023 441 Web: Agenda: 1. Safety (9:00-9:05am) 2. Welcome and Introductions (9:05-9:15am) 3. GHG Decision Requirements (9:15-9:45am) 4. TES Industry Presentations (9:45am-12pm) 5. Lunch (12-1pm) 6. Focused Q&A on GHG Decision and TES (1-2pm) 7. Other Considerations for TES Inclusion in SGIP (2-3pm) This agenda is subject to change pending regulatory activity, stakeholder feedback or CPUC availability. We look forward to seeing you at the workshop! Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) (858) 244-1177 Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) (877) 743-4112 SoCalGas Southern California Edison (626) 302-0610 |
2019-08-29 | Step 4 Small Residential Storage budget for SoCalGas is closed effective August 17th, 2019. The opening date for Step 5 Small Residential Storage in the SoCalGas territory is set for October 1st, 2019. Large-Scale Storage, Residential Storage Equity, Non-Residential Storage Equity, and Generation budgets remain open. |
2019-08-07 | Dear SGIP Stakeholders, The SGIP Program Administrators (PAs) are hosting the Q3 2019 Quarterly Workshop at the Pacific Energy Center on Friday, August 16th, 2019. All stakeholders are invited to attend in person or call in. • WHEN: Friday, August 16th, 9:00am – 1:00pm (estimated) • WHERE: Pacific Energy Center, 851 Howard St., San Francisco CA 94103 • WHO: All SGIP stakeholders may participate • HOW: Attend in person or call in -- GoTo Meeting details are provided below To register to attend the meeting in-person or online, please visit: • After signing up at this link you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. To ensure a robust agenda with relevant topics, the SGIP PAs would like to hear from stakeholders on potential discussion topics in addition to the items listed below. Please contact one of the PAs listed below with your requests and the PAs will do their best to address your questions. Current Proposed Agenda Topics: • Program Updates • Metrics, Waitlist Management, General Program items • Regulatory Updates • Updates as available: Petitions for Modification, Advice Letters, SB700, GHG Decision, General CPUC items • Database Updates • Database &/or Application Items • Feedback / Q&A • General Stakeholder Items This agenda may change; SGIP PAs may amend pending regulatory activity, stakeholder feedback or CPUC availability. Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) (877) 743-4112 Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) (858) 244-1177 SoCalGas Southern California Edison (626) 302-0610 We look forward to seeing you at the Workshop! |
2019-07-17 | PG&E’s Step 5 Residential budget has become exhausted and on Tuesday, July 16th, 2019, PG&E opened the waitlist for its Small Residential Storage budget category. Developers may still apply to the program and projects will be added to the waitlist in the order in which they are received. Projects will be funded as incentive funds become available from cancellations throughout the remainder of the program. More information on the waitlist can be found in section 2.3.6 of the SGIP Handbook. |
2019-07-17 | Step 4 Small Residential Storage budget for Southern California Edison is closed effective July 12, 2019. On August 12, 2019 Southern California Edison will open Step 5 budget for the Small Residential Energy Storage budget category. Applicants may begin creating reservation requests at any time. These reservation requests may then be submitted once the Step 5 Small Residential Energy Storage budget opens. The statewide Developer Cap for Small Residential Energy Storage Step 5 was set at the time a previous territory reached this incentive step. Please direct any questions to your respective SGIP PA. |
2019-05-30 | After receiving approval from the CPUC, the SGIP 2nd Program Quarterly Workshop has been postponed and will reconvene again in the 3rd Quarter. |
2019-04-24 | Step 3 Small Residential Storage budget for SoCalGas is closed effective April 11th, 2019. The opening date for Step 4 Small Residential Storage will be May 20th, 2019. Large-Scale Storage, Residential Storage Equity, and Non-Residential Storage Equity budget remains open. |
2019-04-24 | PG&E’s Small Residential Storage budget is closed as it transitions from Step 4 to Step 5. Due to an extensive backlog of submitted projects, PG&E Small Residential Storage will re-open for Step 5 on July 1, 2019. |
2018-11-02 | ***UPDATE WITH ADDITIONAL WORKSHOP INFORMATION*** Date: Friday, November 9, 2018 Time: 9:00am - 3:00pm Workshop will be held at: SoCalGas Energy Resource Center 9240 Firestone Blvd Downey, CA 90241 8:30AM check-in Continental breakfast to be provided Join by web: • Join Skype Meeting: • Trouble Joining? Try Skype Web App: Join by phone: • Call-In #: (213) 231-9998 • Conference ID: 6503488# Agenda: • Welcome and Introduction • CPUC Update • SGIP Update • Program Process Improvement • Demo of Check My App and Q&A (Energy Solutions) • Virtual Inspections & Discussion (AESC) • Upcoming Improvements to Program • Industry Lessons Learned – Success Stories / Best Practices (Guest Speakers) • Break for Lunch (1 hour) • Impact Evaluation Review and Q&A (Itron) • Wrap-up |
2018-10-09 | Self-Generation Incentive Program Quarterly Workshop The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Program Administrators (PAs) invite all stakeholders to attend and participate in this quarterly workshop. The SGIP PAs will be discussing an array of topics and providing program updates. To attend this quarterly workshop in person or participate via webinar, please make sure to register at the link below. Workshop details will also be available at DATE: Friday, November 9, 2018 TIME: 9:00am – 4:00pm CHECK-IN: 8:30am LOCATION: SoCalGas Energy Resource Center, 9240 Firestone Blvd., Downey CA 90241 CALL-IN DETAILS: Instructions to follow. To attend in person or call into the webinar feature of the workshop, register here: |
2018-09-21 | On October 8, 2018, the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) will open the Step 4 budget for the following territory and budget category: Pacific Gas and Electric: · Energy Storage General Budget o Small Residential Energy Storage Applicants may begin creating reservation requests at any time. These reservation requests may then be submitted once the Step 4 Small Residential Energy Storage budget opens. The statewide Developer Cap for Small Residential Energy Storage Step 4 was set at the time a previous territory reached this incentive step. Please direct any questions to your respective SGIP PA. |
2018-09-18 | On October 3, 2018, the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) will open the Step 4 budget for the following territory and budget category: Southern California Edison: · Energy Storage General Budget · Small Residential Energy Storage Applicants may begin creating reservation requests at any time. These reservation requests may then be submitted once the Step 4 Small Residential Energy Storage budget opens. The statewide Developer Cap for Small Residential Energy Storage Step 4 was set at the time a previous territory reached this incentive step. Please direct any questions to your respective SGIP PA. |
2018-09-12 | Dear SGIP Applicants, On September 10, 2018, the Center for Sustainable Energy’s Residential and Non-Residential Storage Equity budgets were triggered with an incentive rate increase of $0.05/Wh. This triggering event occurred as a result of experiencing the conditions described in Section 3.1.2 of the SGIP Handbook. The new rate of $0.40/Wh ($0.30/Wh if taking ITC) is in effect in the SGIP Database for the following budget categories: Center for Sustainable Energy (SDG&E customers): · Residential Storage Equity, Step 3 · Non-Residential Storage Equity, Step 3 Please direct any questions to your respective SGIP PA. Thank you, Center for Sustainable Energy |
2018-07-31 | The Program Administrators (PAs) of the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) will be hosting the Quarterly Workshop on August 24, 2018 in San Diego. We invite you to attend and participate in this quarterly discussion. DATE: Friday, August 24, 2018 TIME: 9:00am – 1:00pm LOCATION: SDG&E Energy Innovation Center, 4760 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., San Diego CA 92117 CALL-IN DETAILS: Provided upon registering using the link below This workshop will focus on best practices and streamlining the current SGIP application process for energy storage projects. Residential and non-residential energy storage developers are encouraged to attend. The workshop will be recorded and made publicly available at If you are unable to attend in person and wish to participate, you may join the discussions via webinar by registering at the link below. Program Administrators will be answering questions submitted by webinar participants online only. All callers will be muted, and no questions will be taken over the phone. Register to attend in person or for the online portion of the workshop here: |
2018-07-13 | Dear SGIP Applicants, On July 10, 2018, the Southern California Edison Residential and Non-Residential Storage Equity budgets were triggered with an incentive rate increase of $0.05/Wh. This triggering event occurred as a result of experiencing the conditions described in Section 3.1.2 of the SGIP Handbook. The new rate of $0.45/Wh ($0.35/ Wh if taking ITC) is in effect in the SGIP Database for the following budget categories: • Southern California Edison: o Residential Storage Equity, Step 3 o Non-Residential Storage Equity, Step 3 Please direct any questions to your respective SGIP PA. Thank you, Southern California Edison |
2018-07-03 | Step 2 Small Residential Storage budget for SoCalGas is closed effective June 29th, 2018. The opening date for Step 3 Small Residential Storage will be July 30th, 2018. Large-Scale Storage, Residential Storage Equity, and Non-Residential Storage Equity budgets remain open. |
2018-05-31 | The Program Administrators (PAs) of the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) will be hosting the Quarterly Workshop on June 22nd, 2018. We invite you to attend and participate in this quarterly discussion. DATE: Friday, June 22nd, 2018 TIME: 9:00am – 1:00pm LOCATION: PG&E’s Pacific Energy Center at 851 Howard St., San Francisco Please feel free attend this quarterly workshop where the SGIP program administrators will be discussing an array of topics and providing program updates. A complete agenda will be sent out closer to the date of the Workshop. We invite you to send topic ideas to a program administrator and we’ll do our best to address them. Webex instructions are below. We will be answering questions submitted by webex participants via webex only; no caller questions. See you there! To join the audio portion of the Personal Conference meeting: US Toll Free: +1 800 603 7556 Attendee Access Code: 326 010 42 To join the online portion of the Personal Conference meeting: 1. Go to 2. If a password is required, enter the Meeting Password: 32601042 IMPORTANT NOTICE: This WebEx service includes a feature that allows audio and any documents and other materials exchanged or viewed during the session to be recorded. By joining this session, you automatically consent to such recordings. If you do not consent to the recording, discuss your concerns with the meeting host prior to the start of the recording or do not join the session. Please note that any such recordings may be subject to discovery in the event of litigation. |
2018-05-15 | A revised Energy Storage Field Inspection Protocol (AL 89-E) became effective May 11, 2018. Please review the new protocol to ensure that your project is in compliance with the revised requirements before submitting the Incentive Claim (ICF) documentation: |
2018-05-11 | On June 11, 2018, the Self-Generation Incentive Program will open the Step 3 budgets for the following territory and categories: Center for Sustainable Energy (SDG&E customers) · Large-Scale Energy Storage General Budget · Residential Energy Storage Equity Budget · Non-Residential Energy Storage Equity Budget The statewide Developer Cap for the Step 3 was set on December 27, 2017. Prospective SGIP Developers looking to submit Reservation Requests into the Step 3 budget categories must submit their Developer Eligibility Application and supporting documentation no later than May 31, 2018 for guaranteed review prior to the June 11, 2018 opening. Please direct any questions to your respective SGIP PA. |
2018-05-09 | On May 14, 2018, the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) will open Step 3 for the following territory and budget category: Pacific Gas & Electric: • Energy Storage General Budget o Small Residential Energy Storage The Developer Cap for Step 3 Small Residential Energy Storage was set on December 28, 2017. Currently available budget and status of the Developer Cap can be found at . Please direct any questions to your respective SGIP PA. |
2018-05-01 | On April 30, 2018, CSE opened the waitlist for its Small Residential Storage budget category (SDG&E customers). Projects will be added to the waitlist in the order in which they are submitted and funded as incentive funds become available throughout the remainder of the program. More information on the waitlist can be found in section 2.3.6 of the SGIP Handbook. |
2018-04-20 | On May 7, 2018, the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) will open Step 3 for the following territory and budget category: Southern California Edison: • Energy Storage General Budget o Small Residential Energy Storage The Developer Cap for Step 3 Small Residential Energy Storage was set at the time a previous territory reached this incentive step. Current available budget and status of the Developer Cap can be found at . Please direct any questions to your respective SGIP PA. |
2018-04-19 | Dear SGIP Applicants, On April 24, 2018, CSE will open the Step 5 budget for Small Residential Energy Storage. Please note that Step 5 is the final incentive step of CSE’s General Small Residential Energy Storage Budget category. The application portal is open daily from 1:00 AM to 12:00 AM PST for application submittals, and a lottery will be conducted on the day during which more requests for funding are received than can be funded in the step. Applications that are not selected for the lottery in Step 5 will follow the normal waitlist procedures and be assigned according to their timestamp. Projects on the wait list will be funded as incentive funds become available throughout the remainder of the program. More information on the waitlist can be found in section 2.3.6 of the SGIP Handbook. Please contact CSE with any questions at or call 858-244-1177 Best regards, Center for Sustainable Energy, Self-Generation Incentive Program Team |
2018-04-13 | Dear SGIP Applicants, On April 12, 2018, the Southern California Edison Residential and Non-Residential Storage Equity budgets were triggered with an incentive rate increase of $0.05/Wh. This triggering event occurred as a result of experiencing the conditions described in Section 3.1.2 of the SGIP Handbook. The new rate of $0.40/Wh will be effective in the SGIP Database on Monday, April 23, 2018 for the following budget categories: • Southern California Edison: o Residential Storage Equity, Step 3 o Non-Residential Storage Equity, Step 3 The SCE Equity Budget Step remains open and any applications received before then will have their incentive rate adjusted retro-actively. Please direct any questions to your respective SGIP PA. Thank you, Southern California Edison |
2018-03-15 | On April 24, 2018, the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) will open the Step 5 budget for the following territory and budget category: Center for Sustainable Energy (SDG&E customers): • Energy Storage General Budget o Small Residential Energy Storage The statewide Developer Cap for the Step 5 small residential energy storage budget categories will be set on April 16, 2018. Prospective SGIP Developers looking to submit Reservation Requests into the Step 5 budget category must submit their Developer Eligibility Application and supporting documentation by April 10, 2018 for guaranteed review prior to the April 24, 2018 Step 5 opening. Please note that Step 5 is the final incentive step of CSE’s General Small Residential Energy Storage Budget category. Once funds have been fully allocated, projects that do not receive funding will be automatically placed on a wait list to be funded as incentive funds become available throughout the remainder of the program. Please refer to section 2.3.6 of the SGIP Handbook for more information on the wait list. Please direct any questions to your respective SGIP PA. |
2018-02-13 | Step 2 Large-Scale budget for SoCalGas is closed effective January 31st, 2018. SoCalGas is not accepting Large-Scale applications until the opening of the next step for this budget category. The opening date for Step 3 Large-Scale and the opening date for Equity Budget for SoCalGas will be on March 5th, 2018. Small Residential Storage Step 2 remains open. |
2018-02-07 | Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Quarterly Workshop Friday, February 9th, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Where: Center for Sustainable Energy, 9325 Sky Park Ct. Suite 100, San Diego CA 92123 Who: All SGIP stakeholders Register to attend in person or via phone: Registration is required for this workshop. Call-in details and parking passes will be provided only to those who register in advance using the above link. Attendees dialing into the conference will have the opportunity to submit questions via the webinar chat the feature during the workshop. Morning Session (9:00 am-12:00pm) o Welcome and Introduction o SGIP Program Update: Current program statistics and upcoming opening dates o SGIP Developers and Homeowners: Discussion on the SGIP Developer application and verification process, and clarification on when a homeowner could be considered their own developer o GHG Signal Working Group Update: Background on the current SGIP operational requirements and progress report on the group’s findings o Inspection Process and Discharge Data: Best practices for submitting discharge data and initiating the inspection process o Satisfactory Program Documentation: The Program Administrators will discuss acceptable documentation in each territory and best practices for submitting successful applications o Stakeholder Q&A: Attendees are invited discuss broad SGIP topics with the Program Administrators and SGIP’s database provider, Energy Solutions Afternoon Session (1:00 – 3:00pm) o SGIP Walk-through and Application: Energy Solutions will provide a thorough walk-through of the online application process, including RRF and ICF submittals o Project Q&A: This Q&A will be geared toward new SGIP applicants and homeowners for questions about applications and eligibility |
2018-01-24 | On February 26, 2018, the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) will open the Step 4 budget for the following territory and budget category: Center for Sustainable Energy (SDG&E customers): · Energy Storage General Budget o Small Residential Energy Storage Applicants may begin creating reservation requests at any time. These applications may then be submitted once the Step 4 Small Residential Energy Storage budget opens. The statewide Developer Cap for Small Residential Energy Storage Step 4 will be set on February 19, 2018. Please direct any questions to your respective SGIP PA. |
2018-01-23 | Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Quarterly Workshop When: Friday, February 9th, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Where: Center for Sustainable Energy, 9325 Sky Park Ct. Suite 100, San Diego CA 92123 What: SGIP’s Quarterly Workshop Who: All SGIP stakeholders may participate Register to attend in person or via phone: The SGIP is hosting a Quarterly Workshop at Center for Sustainable Energy in San Diego on Friday, February 9th, 2018. To ensure a robust agenda with relevant topics, the SGIP Administrators would like to hear from stakeholders on potential discussion topics in Please contact one of the Program Administrators listed below with your requests. Time will be reserved after the workshop to address specific application and processing questions by the Program Administrators at Center for Sustainable Energy and Southern California Edison. We look forward to seeing you at the workshop! |
2018-01-18 | Step 3 in CSE’s territory for the Small Residential Energy Storage budget is closed effective January 13, 2018. No new applications may be submitted to this budget category until the next step opens. Once the lottery results have been finalized within the next 10 days, the opening date for step 4 will be announced. Step 2 remains open for Large-Scale Storage. |
2018-01-08 | Dear SGIP Applicants, Please note that the new 2017 V6 Handbook has been posted to This Handbook incorporates California Contractors State License Board’s C-46 Solar Contractor License Classification into the list of SGIP-eligible licenses for the combined installation of solar photovoltaics and energy storage. Thank you. |
2018-01-03 | Dear SGIP Applicants, Please note that the new 2017 V5 Handbook has been posted to This Handbook establishes the SGIP Equity Budget, budget structure and eligibility requirements. If you have any questions regarding the Equity Budget, please contact your respective SGIP PA. Thank you. |
2017-12-20 | Dear SGIP Developers and Applicants, This notice serves as a reminder. If you have already submitted your updated Developer Eligibility Application for SGIP steps 3 through 5, please disregard this message. Pursuant to Resolution E-4887, the SGIP Program Administrators have updated the Developer Eligibility Application form with the new eligibility requirements. Each SGIP Developer is required to submit a new Developer Eligibility Application in order to submit applications in steps 3 through 5. The current Developer Eligibility Application can be found at SGIP Applications cannot be submitted in Step 3 unless the Developer identified on the application has been approved by the SGIP PAs via the new Developer Eligibility Application form. To guarantee review of your updated Developer Eligibility Application, prior to the January 11th, 2018 Step 3 openings, all Developer Eligibility Application forms and supporting documentation must be submitted by December 27th, 2017. Completed forms and supporting documentation should be submitted to Thank you, SGIP Program Administrators |
2017-12-14 | On January 11, 2018, the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) will open the Step 3 budgets for the following territories and budget categories: Center for Sustainable Energy (SDG&E customers): · Energy Storage General Budget o Small Residential Energy Storage Southern California Edison: · Energy Storage General Budget o Large-scale Energy Storage · Energy Storage Equity Budget o Non-residential Equity o Residential Equity All other general market budget categories are currently open and accepting new applications in Step 2. Please note that Southern California Edison (SCE) is the only territory scheduled to open its Equity Budgets at this time. Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE), Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), and Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) will open their Storage Equity budgets (non-residential and residential) after their Large-scale Energy Storage Step 2 funding is exhausted. Beginning December 28, 2017, Applicants may begin creating reservation requests for the Equity Budgets. These applications may then be submitted once the Equity Budgets open. The statewide Developer Caps for all Step 3 energy storage budget categories will be set on December 28, 2017. Please direct any questions to your respective SGIP PA. |
2017-12-11 | You are Invited to the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Quarterly Workshop When: Friday, December 15th, 9:00am – 1:00pm (estimated) Where: Pacific Energy Center, 851 Howard St., San Francisco CA 94103 What: SGIP’s Quarterly Workshop. Who: All SGIP stakeholders may participate How: In person or online, WebEx details are provided below The SGIP is hosting a Quarterly Workshop at the Pacific Energy Center on Friday December 15th, 2017. Registration is optional – all stakeholders may attend. WebEx instructions are included in this email for those who plan to call in. To ensure a robust agenda with relevant topics, the SGIP Administrators would like to hear from stakeholders on potential discussion topics in addition to the items listed below. Please contact one of the Program Administrators listed below with your requests. The presentation for the Workshop will be sent out by Thursday, Dec. 14th. We look forward to seeing you at the workshop! Current Proposed Agenda Topics: - New Developer Application - New Equity Budget - New Inspection Sampling Protocol - Publicizing Equipment Vetted by the SGIP Technical Working Group Presentation Slides: Thank you, SGIP Program Administrators CALL-IN INFORMATION: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To join the audio portion of the Personal Conference meeting US Toll Free: +1 800 603 7556 Attendee Access Code: 326 010 42 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To join the online portion of the Personal Conference meeting 1. Go to 2. If a password is required, enter the Meeting Password: 32601042 |
2017-08-01 | Dear SGIP Participant, The SGIP Program Administrators (PAs) would like to provide you with an update regarding the review of your Step 1 and/or Step 2 SGIP energy storage Reservation Request status. The PAs have received a high volume of applications, and are currently working with several equipment manufacturers and developers on application documents affecting multiple projects. We hope to resolve these issues shortly, so that we can resume review of individual SGIP applications in a timely manner. The PAs are working diligently to get these issues resolved as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Please contact the PAs if you have any questions or concerns. Warm Regards, Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) (877) 743-4112 Center for Sustainable Energy (858) 244-1177 SoCalGas Southern California Edison (626) 302-0610 |
2017-07-19 | Per the Assigned Commissioner’s Ruling** on Proposed Refinements to the Self-Generation Incentive Program filed on June 2, 2017, the SGIP Program Administrators (PAs) intend to comply with the Commissioner’s direction to delay Step 3 opening for both energy storage budget categories until the proposed policies are approved. Once a Decision is issued, the PAs will work to incorporate any new policies into the program and set a Step 3 opening date. Step 2 in CSE’s territory for the Small Residential energy storage budget is closed effective July 15, 2017. No new applications may be submitted to this budget category until Step 3 opens at a later date. Step 2 remains open for Large-Scale Storage. ** You may reference the Assigned Commissioner's Ruling here: |
2017-05-15 | The Self-Generation Incentive Program has fully subscribed and closed both the Small Residential Energy Storage and Large-Scale Energy Storage incentive budgets for Step 1. Applicants may begin revising and/or creating energy storage applications for submission for Step 2 incentives. Please make note of the following important dates: Monday, June 5: Applicants may submit completed Step 2 applications at Small Residential Energy Storage and Large-Scale Energy Storage developer caps will be fixed for Step 2 on Monday, May 22. Please note the following incentive rates for Step 2: Large-Scale Storage: $0.40/Wh Large-Scale Storage + ITC: $0.29/Wh Small Residential Storage: $0.40/Wh If you are resubmitting an application that was rejected from Step 1, the Reservation Request Form for the new incentive amount must be resigned by all parties. You may also replace the original application fee for 5% of the revised incentive amount. Incentive funds for Step 1 are still available for Generation projects statewide. |
Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E)
(415) 973-6436
Center for Sustainable Energy
(858) 244-1177
Southern California Edison
(626) 302-0610